
Responses from dopogue

Grado "wobble"...?
I've experienced this phenomenon on several Grados, all the way up to a Reference/Reference model in a JMW 10.5 arm. It is consistent in the fact that the same records always induce the wobble and, yes, it seems to happen more often with 45 rpm re... 
Problems with CDR-audio blanks?
The answer PROBABLY is: your Marantz recorders need service (maybe you can get a group rate :-) ) Same thing happened to my TASCAM CD-RW700, right after thw warranty expired. 
Audiogon Music News June
Do you mean J.J. Cale? Talk about your Freudian slips :-) 
Can you help identify
Grado Sonata and tracking
I had no tracking problems with my Grado Reference/Reference as long as the record was perfectly flat. But the slightest warp (on my TNT/JMW 10.5 setup) gave it fits. And then there's the mysterious and maddening Grado Wobble to contend with. Two ... 
Are Magnepan MG-IIIa speakers problematic?
I was a Maggie fan for quite a while, had MG-IIs and then MG-IIIs (not the IIIA). I was driving them with a pair of Conrad Johnson MV75A-1s (vertically biamped) plus an Audio Pro B-250 sub. They had plenty of room around them and sounded fine. The... 
Gallo Nucleus reference solo prototypes
Correction: That magazine dates from 1996, not 1966. 
Gallo Nucleus reference solo prototypes
Yes, these are the Nuclus Minors. The only place I've ever seen them reviewed is the July l966 issue of Audioi Adventure, p. 40. The reviewer (Dayna B) liked them, said in her conclusion: " ... these speakers are a must-hear for a musically satisf... 
What items do you rarely ever see offered for sale
Shun Mook Bella Voce speakers. 
Are You Happy With 2 Channel SACD?
With my XA777ES, I listen in stereo mode 95% of the time. But it's fun to have the MC capability for the other 5%. 
Debussy Nocturns
If you can find a copy of the old London/Decca recording by Ernest Ansermet and the Suisse Romande (paired with the equally wonderful Ravel Mother Goose), you'll be in heaven. 
help picking a cartridge
Yolu may think it a lateral or downward move, but I'll bet that if you pick up a new Shure V15VxMR for $200 (Jack's Music Factory cost incl. shipping) you'll be very pleasantly surprised. It replaced a $1200 Grado Reference/Reference in my system. 
MC or MM?
None of the Grados are MCs. But many models come in different sensitivities (e.g., the Reference) and some of these sensitivities are down in what's usually considered the MC range. Confusing? Not as much as their nomenclature :-) 
Newbie Question: MM v. MC cartridges?
I agree with Johnnantais, particularly about the Shure, which currently resides on my JMW 10.5 arm where a Grado Reference/Reference used to be. I've listened to a lot of MC carts in my systems and others and their "magic" continues to elude me. M... 
Brentworth Type III
Art's review was in the Summer 1999 issue (Vol.5, No. 3) of Listener.