
Responses from dopogue

Is there high output MC that can compete/beat ...
The output voltage of the 10X5 is 2.5 mV, so you should be fine. Dave 
I'm totally confused about Hi Rez formats
I was an early SACD adopter, bought more than 100 discs, haven't bought one in 6 months. 'Nuff said? I listen more to vinyl every day. Dave 
gallo ref3 with the golden ear awards?
Great speakers. Worth much more than $2600. Big, musical sound despite their diminutive size. Can sound like hell during their extended (like, 200 hours) break in, but otherwise I love 'em. Dave 
Is there high output MC that can compete/beat ...
There's a Dynavector 10X5 on Audiogon now for $250. Take the cover off and it's a real contender. Not affiliated with seller, etc., etc. Good luck, Dave 
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?
Sony XA-777ES (SACD/CD player) and Toshiba 3950 with Ack dAck! The mildly modded 3950 with Ack dAck! is my preferred setup for Redbook discs, believe it or not. 
cj preamps
I've had my Premier 14 since 1996 with no problems or maintenance except occasional tube changes. Plenty of inputs and outputs and a great remote to boot. Good luck, Dave 
VPI upgrades question...
If you're still using the PLC to control speed, you NEED the SDS. But the other stuff sounds desirable too. Good luck, Dave. 
Differences between CJ PV-11 and Premier 14
You're right, Pops, that's pretty weird. I've had the current GEs in place for more than 2 years and just bought some new back-ups at about $6 apiece. It may be that I'm not getting the real Mullards -- the ones I keep seeing (and bought) are SUPP... 
Differences between CJ PV-11 and Premier 14
I went from a Premier 3 to a Premier 14 so I can't speak directly to the improvement you'll experience. But you will sure gain a lot in convenience alone (I'd never do without a remote again), and the 14 is a wonderful-sounding linestage with all ... 
How Important Is The Cdp?
I wouldn't fault the 3950. I bought mine after reading the multiple AA threads and was pretty much amazed by it. Now, feeding a battery-powered Ack dAck!, it has taken over CD-playing duty from my $2K Sony XA777ES. 
Looking for colored sound. . . I think.
Your amp may sound smoother after 100 hours or so, but I wouldn't bet on it. Trouble is that your ears are too good for this kind of solid state sound. Can't recommend anything specific without knowing more about the rest of your system, but I'll ... 
Record Cleaner
It's BS. I can understand your concern, but if there's any truth in it I've destroyed a hell of a lot of vinyl. And I seriously doubt that. 
Sony XA777ES plus Ack Dack?
Just a thought, but do you have any coupling/decoupling or resonance damping thingies under the Sony? I have the full-bore Mapleshade setup under mine (brass cones/maple block/isoblocks) and have lately been experimenting successfully with ... sup... 
Anyone know of any cryoed speaker wire?
You can have your own or any other speaker wire cryoed by Cryogenics International for around $80 for a minimum 9 pound package (this is from memory and may be slightly off). I sent them a package of cables, connectors and tubes and was hard-press... 
Sony XA777ES plus Ack Dack?
I have both units, plus a mildly modified Toshiba 3950. I've found that, on Redbook, the Toshiba/Ack dAck combo is more musical (to me) than the Sony alone. Using the Ack dAck with the Sony, there is a very slight improvement on most CDs, but the ...