
Responses from dopogue

What speakers do you use with your SET's?
Gallo Reference 3s. My 12 wpc SET monoblocks (845 outputs, EL-34 drivers) sound fantastic with these speakers -- in a large room. Other SET friendly speakers you wouldn't normally think of are the ProAc Response 2s and Response 3s. My old Response... 
help with Ack Dack problem
You haven't said anything about recharging. Does the problem occur when the dAck is fully recharged? But Danlib1 is right -- contact Chris Own at Ack Industries and I'm sure he can solve the problem. Good luck, Dave 
AR XA Turntable/ ShureV15VxMR cartridge
It should work fine. A friend is using a Stanton 881S in his and it sounds a bunch better than his Basis 1400/Rega arm combo with a (non-woodie) Grado. That's a great little turntable. Dave 
Platter mat ?
I started out bare-platter on my early (Mk. 2) model TNT, went through a couple of clamps including the one from Black Diamond Racing, then discovered that the Ringmat, sans clamp, sounded better to me. I switched to a graphite Boston Audio Mat 1 ... 
CJ Premier 10 - still competitive?
There's a good-looking Premier 14 on Agon today for $1500. Can't imagine preferring a ML 26 to this baby, but that's a tube guy for you :-) 
Thanks to Agon members and Agon staff.........
I'll second this. Aside from some strange deletions of discussion threads, I have no complaints at all. Dave 
speaker connections?
Agreed. No need to tin it. I do use Caig Pro Gold and Walker SST, though. 
Gallo reference /TAS vs Me
Xenithon, I'm sorry you had to cancel. There's no excuse for what you've had to go through. The sad part is that the speakers are really worth the effort to buy them, but you can't be blamed for disagreeing.Blondears, this dealer is blowing smoke.... 
speaker connections?
Another vote for bare wire. Simpler is better, IMHO. 
CJ Premier 10 - still competitive?
I'd pay the extra money for a Premier 14, currently running around $1500. But then I have one and would never go back to a non-remote preamp. Good luck. 
Advice Wanted, component placement
Most of mine have smiley faces on them. When I'm expecting serious audiofolk, I stand them on their faces. 
Advice Wanted, component placement
I was going to suggest the superball tweak but Gordus beat me to it. These things are also called "bouncy balls" or something similar. They do work. You cut them along their seam line. Good luck, Dave. 
Nominations for Product of the Year
Gallo Reference 3. I'll go along with The Absolute Sound and 6moons. They sound better every day. 
Favorite Lesser Known Sax Players
Bob Kindred - Try his "Gentle Giant of the Tenor Sax" on Mapleshade.And did anyone mention Clifford Jordan? 
Could my A-gon brothers please....
I had no luck with an ST-2, found I could beat it by thumb-tacking a folded dipole to the drywall just above a window. Depends on a lot of factors, of course. Dave