
Responses from dopogue

I got my Gallo Ref3's today
Laying a Ref 3 down on its back ought to do the trick. Mine (the switch) is about the thickness of a toothpick and sure doesn't look like it would take much abuse. 
I got my Gallo Ref3's today
My understanding is that too many people were breaking off the tweeter switch, so ...I know I haven't moved mine and wouldn't miss it.Dave 
VPI Record Clamps
Alephman, I simply stopped using it (and the washer). A friend has a Basis table which is supposed to be used bare-platter, and I thought I'd try it. I found that records sounded better to me -- more open, dynamic and "alive" with them just sittin... 
I got my Gallo Ref3's today
Be prepared for your Ref 3s to start sounding pretty awful. Out of the box they sound okay, but not nearly as good as they will sound after 100 hours. Play them loud during the break-in period. I put mine face-to-face and threw a couple of blanket... 
VPI Record Clamps
No, Alephman, a clamp is not "required" on your TNT. Haven't used one on mine in at least 2 years and it sounds a heck of a lot better than the last clamp (BDR) I DID use. But enjoy yours ...Dave 
VPI Record Clamps
Alephman, you don't really HAVE to have a clamp on yours. Before I went to the Mat I I was using a Ringmat with no clamp (on my early model TNT) and liked it better than any clamp I had tried. You do have to get past the fact that the Ringmat look... 
Good match for Eminent Technology ET2 tonearm?
Just be sure the table is very solid and no lightweight. The VPIs (HW 19 III and IV) used to work well when ET2s were more prevalent. Good luck. I had two of these arms -- one was delightful and one was a nightmare because both the Wisa pump and A... 
VPI Record Clamps
Contrarian opinion. I had one of the earlier (two-piece) BDR clamps, found it was no better-sounding than the original from VPI, ended up selling it and going with a Boston Audio Mat I (no clamp) that really DID sound a lot better. Obviously YMMV.... 
Got an old VPI PLC......
Big difference in my case. I assumed it was because the SDS is a regenerator rather than a line conditioner. And two PLCs died on me, which didn't do much for my confidence level. Dave 
It's funny how records are still best.
After a brief fling with SACD, I find I'm buying more LPs than anything else. SACD and CD are fine for convenience, and some music is available nowhere else, but when I really want to LISTEN, only LPs and R-R tape will do. And I have a $3K SACD pl... 
Musical Concepts Modifications
Just another endorsement. His cables aren't bad either. 
Opinions, Is this better for the Members?
Get rid of the "Price Paid." This is NOBODY'S business besides the buyer and seller. 
Opinions, Is this better for the Members?
Sounds like we may never see another "negative." 
Nitty Gritty I Don't Know How To Use Itty
Photon46 is right on the mark. I've been using this same machine since the early 80s (picked up a second one 2 years ago when I figured it was past time for the first one to die). Simple, effective, reliable -- I never felt the urge for a "better"... 
Mid-priced warm sounding DAC?
I agree about non-oversampling dacs and suggest that you consider one of the battery-powered Ack dAck models selling in the $300 range on Audiogon. These are the l.0 to l.3 versions (the new model is 2.0) and one could be easily resold at little l...