
Responses from dopogue

Tubes for a Conrad Johnson 17LS?
Regarding the use of different tube types (2 of each), you're on your own here. I was told by someone I trust and respect in this area that there is no problem in doing so, and I've tried various combinations with no ill effects. I guess I'd like ... 
Jessica Williams
She's a marvelous pianist. And you're right about MaxJazz. My favorite Jessica/MaxJazz is "This Side Up," but I'll look for the two you mention. Dave 
Tubes for a Conrad Johnson 17LS?
There's a section of FAQ (Frequently Asked Quesions) devoted to tubes over at Audio Asylum with a LOT of information about 6922s and equivalents. I just bought a quartet of Amperex 6DJ8 tubes (6922 equivalents) and they are much better than the st... 
Seek amp for Anthony Gallo Ref 3's
I'm running mine with custom-made SET monoblocks (845 outputs), using a Hsu subwoofer amp (500 watts) on the woofers' second voice coils with the crossover at 43 Hz. I can easily fill an 18 x 40' space with this combo, even though the output of th... 
phono preamps with a subsonic filter?
No band-aid, a subsonic filter is essential if you're using a good subwoofer -- or your main speakers extend really low -- and you're trying to play vinyl. There's all kinds of subterranean garbage on LPs that the engineers probably didn't even kn... 
new vs. used vinyl, pops and clicks.
I believe that a record cleaning machine (RCM) is an absolute must. Even brand new records benefit substantially by removing their mold release compound. It doesn't need to be expensive -- I've used a  
Cables for a high-school newbie
Sorry, Bignerd, if you didn't think that review was very positive, I honestly can't believe you read it. Dave 
Cables for a high-school newbie
Speaker cables: Make them from Home Depot 14 gauge outdoor extension cord (it's orange with a longitudinal black stripe). No, I'm not kidding. A 50-foot cable should cost you less than $20. There's a very positive review in The Absolute Sound, Apr... 
Sacd/dvd-a, The Hype Is Dead, For Me At Least...
I agree 100%. Really wanted SACD to succeed, bought more than 100 to help the cause, many of which I have never listened to twice. Too bad. Vinyl DOES rule, and CD isn't bad. Dave 
Grand Pianos paired with Classe/Theta electronics?
A friend recently bought a pair of these Sonus Faber speakers and they are wonderful speakers. He's driving them successfully with both solid state (Proceed) and tube amps (20 watt 300B push-pull, custom-made).The only problem is that they sound q... 
I got my Gallo Ref3's today
Minus3db, I checked the heat situation periodically. No problem, but I just draped the blankets and fur coat over them rather than sealing them tightly. Dave 
Has anyone listened to the Grado Statement ?
The Grado Statement series won't work with your PV-5; the output is too low. The Grado Reference will, however, and costs $1200. The nomenclature Grado uses is VERY confusing. Nice cartridges, but I agree that their retip price is too high. That's... 
Lack of vinyl bass and midrange
I've found that you CAN bring some carts back from the dead. Had some Sonus stylus assemblies in a junk drawer for at least 25 years and tried them on a Sonus body I found on bay. Dead like mackeral. Figured I had nothing to lose by slathering som... 
What is the life of a Grado Wood cartridge?
Ecclectique, I was pretty surprised myself. I had two Sonus stylus assemblies (not the bodies, can't remember why) in my junk drawer and went for a Sonus cart I saw on Ebay about two months ago. It sounded pretty good, but when I substituted the o... 
What is the life of a Grado Wood cartridge?
I'd go with Chapis. A thousand hours is ridiculous. And as far as "deteriorating over time" is concerned, my current favorite MM cartridges date from the 1960s and 1970s (ADC XLM and Sonus Blue) and sound fantastic. The dealer just wants to sell c...