
Responses from dopogue

Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Thanks to Kkm and Scott Stein I have a pair of these stands (they look identical to the ones pictured in Kkm's link) and can confirm the sonic improvements. Besides, I think they look rally neat! The slightly "outboard" spiked feet are from Parts ... 
Pwr. conditioner necessary w/dedicated AC lines?
I had the dedicated lines FIRST, and also a Tice Power Block 3, which made a positive difference compared to running my amps into the wall (which surprised my friend who built the amps). Bought the P300 last and am running my front end gear into i... 
The VPI Turntable pluuged into a PS Audio P300
I had the SDS unit when I owned a TNT turntable and also have a P300. I experimented with various wiring schemes and ended up plugging the SDS into the wall (dedicated 20 amp circuit), with my phonostage and other front end gear plugged into the P... 
a simple yet stupid ? question
It matters with speakers, certain ones at least. 
Can you recommend reasonable speaker cable
I replaced biwired Kimber 8TC with single-run Mapleshade Double Golden Helix ($280 per 8' pr. new) and Mapleshade jumpers and couldn't believe the all-around improvement. This was a while ago when I was using Conrad Johnson Premier 12 amps and Pro... 
Pet Peeves - my Rants and Raves
I agree with much of the rant, but not the part about PayPal fees. Build the fee into your asking price if you like, but I (and many others, I'll bet) refuse to pay a fee that we consider simply a selling cost. Never paid one and never charged one... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Can't argue with Photon46, whose most serious complaint is their sounding like the small speakers they appear to be. I was using humongous Gallo Nucleus Ultimates when I got the Ref 3s, and playing them side by side, people THOUGHT I was playing t... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Good grief, Ojgalli, what are you listening to through the Gallos. Mine sure don't sound a bit like that. My last two pairs of speakers cost twice as much, or more, by the way. 
I love this hobby-
Good for you, and thanks for sharing your "rambling." Dave 
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
No, the HiFi fuses are not directionalliy. As to your other question, I don't supposed we should expect solid silver for a mere 30 bucks per fuse. :-) 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
Yes, Porziob, I'm sure you tried them in your system. I made the mistake of trying them in mine and now own five of them. Couldn't be more surprised. Kinda logical, when you think about it, assuming that you believe there are differences in the so... 
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
I agree, Sir Speedy, and have now spent $150 on the damn things. I need a keeper :-) 
Will a Full Page Ad Guarantee a Review?
There is no point. Just an opportunity for the conspiracy theorists to get together and vent. :-) 
Will a Full Page Ad Guarantee a Review?
You guys are too much! 
Will a Full Page Ad Guarantee a Review?
Ad nauseum. There doesn't seem to be any way to stop this nonsense. Good way to measure the depth of audio paranoia at any given time, I guess.