
Responses from dopogue

Tice went out of business years ago. I have a Power Block 3, like it a lot, but it must be close to 10 years old. Sorry, my manual was misplaced but the markings on top of the case should help you get it up and running; it's not complicated. Good ... 
Reel to Reel Tape Decks
You might try the "Tape Trails" forum over at Audio Asylum. 
LCD Screen Size
One of the larger and dumber mistakes my wife and I made was to get a flat-screen 32" Sharp Aquous (sp?) LCD to replace an older 27" Mitsubishi. At the time the Sharp cost $4500 (gag!), and we finally admitted to ourselves that the Mitsubishi not ... 
78 Spinnin' - Cartridge?
Blabzigorp, I disagree strongly. The better my 78 system gets, the better it sounds. I now hear much LESS groove noise than before, especially with the Grado 78 cart. And the icing on the 78 cake was finding a Scott 121-B mono preamp with almost i... 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
I agree, Trelja. Go for it, Edkoz, and I hope we haven't steered you wrong! DavePS: Thought I'd tell one on myself. My tubed phonostage is a heavily modded NYAL Moscode SuperIt, with a large outboard power supply. This has its own fuse, and I repl... 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
Edkoz, in which component were you going to try the fuse(s)? Mine made the most difference in power amps, but I don't know your components and can't really comment beyond thinking that yes, you could probably hear the improvement. Dave 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
Somehow I doubt that any present-day Kepler would waste his time on fuse comparisons. But good grief, wires make a major difference and I'm surprised you're still in the naysayer camp on this one. The fuse differences are not as pronounced and it ... 
JJ KT77 Tubes Vs Tung Sol 6550s
Eagleman, my best sounding pair comprises two old Mullards, one an Xf1 code and the other an Xf2. The KT77s hold up well in comparison, though, especially considering the price difference ($36/pr. vs. approximately $225). Dave 
Record Clamp?????
To the best of my knowledge, Linn never supplied a clamp with the LP12 and does not recommend their use. I personally went clampless a few years ago (when using a VPI TNT that WAS designed to accommodate a clamp) and never looked back. I think the... 
JJ KT77 Tubes Vs Tung Sol 6550s
Re the JJ KT77s, these are excellent-sounding tubes, better than some of the Mullard EL34s I have, but not quite as musical as my best ones. Certtainly a bargain at the price, although I understand that their quality control isn't stellar (my pair... 
bulk cable purchase
This is sold at Home Depot as 14 gauge outdoor extension cord. A 50-footer will set you back about 20 bucks. It was reviewed in 2004 in The Absolute Sound by Paul Seydor where it more than held its own against some $400-500 cables. I've used it fo... 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
In all honesty, I can't detect any difference either with respect to directionality. But the gold fuses -- in my case, the German "Hi-Fi Tuning" ones -- made quite a difference in my system, despite my initial skepticism. So did simply removing th... 
Should we upgrade high end fuses?
Edkoz, I guess you need to work on your comprehension. Or maybe the resolving power of your system. Sorry about that :-) 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Rolloff, just go to and key in 249-720 under "Quick Search" at the upper left. The speaker spikes attach at the bottom (not the sides) of the stands . Both the brass points and the rubber feet come along with the set. 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
First, I got the price of the Parts Express spikes wrong. They're just $14.80 for four, not $22.99. And the stands themselves can be seen at www.steinaudio.comRegarding the interface between speakers and stands, In the case of mine, the speakers a...