
Responses from dopogue

VPI table owners, help please.
I had the VPI cable, found it very ordinary, and sold it a year or so ago. Am currently using Oyaide PA-02 cables I terminate with Bullet Plugs, after going through umpteen others. Good luck, Dave 
Musical Concepts Modifications
Google Musical Concepts for info. The email for John appears to 
Invert Polarity in Digital Domain
The SRA list derives from the same source as mine. I just left off the labels I'd never heard of :-) 
Invert Polarity in Digital Domain
Sorry, can't help (don't know the speakers). My understanding is that the simpler the crossover, the better. And the drivers in the speakers must all be connected + to + (many aren't, intentionally). Dave 
Invert Polarity in Digital Domain
You should be getting a true polarity inversion through your VTL (despite the semantic polarity/phase confusion). What are your speakers? I recently heard Magnepan 3.6 and 20.1 speakers in a store demo where BOTH the (Levinson) CD player and pream... 
Invert Polarity in Digital Domain
Here are most of the ones posted in Ultimate Audio (Summer 2000 issue):Normal or "0" polarity: A&M, Acoustic Disc, Atlantic, AudioQuest, Blue Note, Caprice, Chandos, Chesky, Chess, Columbia, Concord, DMP, Elektra, Geffen, GRP, Harmonia Mundi, ... 
Invert Polarity in Digital Domain
It was also in Ultimate Audio (article by Lars Fredell). I'll try to find it and post the specifics. 
Invert Polarity in Digital Domain
This is an area of real complexity, and unless you're really obsessive (like me, on occasion), I wouldn't recommend going there. It can drive you nuts. First of all you need really polarity-coherent speakers to hear consistent effects. My Gallo Re... 
Hsu Tn1220 HO and amp, speaker cable question.
You might ask Hsu. They have a forum and are very helpful in answering questions. I had your subwoofer amp -- nice unit. 
Conrad Johnson CT6. Anyone hear one?
I didn't say it wasn't broken in. It was a store demonstrator that a friend borrowed and then brought over. I don't know how many hours it had on it. This was just the only reason I could think of that it didn't impress, relative to mine. That and... 
Conrad Johnson CT6. Anyone hear one?
I heard one briefly in my system. It couldn't hold a candle to my 17LS2 in any respect. May have been a break-in issue, but more likely the fact that the 17LS2 uses teflon caps and the CT6 doesn't. Besides, IMHO, the CT6 is really ugly :-) Dave 
Home Depot Ext. Cord for Speaker Cable
Steuspeed, have you heard them? When it costs less than 20 bucks to try them, why not? Paul Seydor in The Absolute Sound review found that they sounded every bit as good as the $400-500 cables he was testing at the time, and he was using a simple ... 
Home Depot Ext. Cord for Speaker Cable
I tried the variation Undetow recommended, liked it better than the "original" two wire version, but not nearly as well as the separate ones I ended up with. 
Home Depot Ext. Cord for Speaker Cable
I played around with several variations of this "Halloween" cable before settling on one that I'm still enjoying after more than a year. I use the stuff shotgunned -- all three conductors in the forward/+/red direction and another three in the rev... 
Where will devotees of Audio Intelligent turn.....
4yanx once accused me of "pimping" Mr. Frumkin's products, despite the fact that his own pro-RRL posts outnumbered my pro-AIVS posts by a fairly astronomical amount. He does seem to have a bug about the subject, as witness the above. Out of curios...