
Responses from dopogue

78 Spinnin' - Cartridge?
I have three 78 carts --a Grado MC+, a Stanton 881S with D827 stylus assembly and a Shure N78 stylus I've tried in various Shure bodies up to the V15VxMR. They rank in that order. The Grado is by far the best sounding despite costing only $80, but... 
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
I received two of these yesterday from The Cable Company for my SET monoblocks (845 output tubes), and unless I'm seriously deluding myself, the damn things really work! I'm buying more for my linestage and phonostage. Dave 
do blind tests have any practical significance
All you dead-horse beaters, arise and smite :-) 
Good way to raise VPI SAMA
Couple suggestions: hockey puck(s), regular or "practice" (the latter are softer). The stuff called Isoblocks by Mapleshade (cork sandwiched between two pieces of ribbed rubber), available from various sources. Or enough layers of mousepad, trimme... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
To raise the height of the Ref 3s on a temporary or experimental basis, you might do what I did. Go to Lowes (or wherever) and pick up 4 of their concrete blocks sized 8 x 16 x 4" high. Cost is something like $.69 per. Then you can raise the the s... 
Used Proac Response 3's or Paradigm v 3 60's?
120 W is PLENTY of power for Response 3s. They have a very benign impedance curve and sounded great on a succession of SET tube amps (built by a friend of mine) whose power output was as little as 6 wpc. I started biamping mine, BTW, with Kimber 8... 
Used Proac Response 3's or Paradigm v 3 60's?
Don't know how much the Paradigms cost, but anything less than, say, $1500 would be a hell of a bargain. I had the ProAcs for quite a while, liked them a lot, and discovered they LOVE low-powered tube amps. Great speakers. Good luck, Dave 
A question to conrad johnson owners
I had one and never noticed this problem. But my friends finally convinced me it wasn't much of a DAC. The matching traqnsport was, in this regard, all too good of a match :-) 
HTTP 404 Errors Trying to Access Current Threads
You have to go in the back door. Access Discussion Forums directly. I'm having the same trouble. 
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
Yep, Russe41, they use regular old fuses. High end or not, they couldn't justify the additional cost of $25 fuses. Unless, that is, they make a big marketing/advertising deal -- "Look how far we've gone in search of perfect sound forever" --out of... 
Most PRACTICAL, yet good sounding REEL to REEL ???
As a starting point I'd check the TEAC 2300 series (I have the Dolbyized A2300SD). I also have a Teac X1000R and the technician who services them both thinks more highly of the 2300 despite its much lower original cost. The downside is that you're... 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Kkm, I'd love to hear more about those custom stands. Dave 
Machina Dynamic Brilliant Pebbles?
Okay, I'll bite. Tbg, what's the "plausible explanation"? 
CTC Blowtorch
Why not contact John Curl (frequent poster over on AA) and get a definitive recommendation. 
Gallo Ref 3 and CJ Premier 350
Chazzbo, you sure are hard to convince. What, exactly, will it take, and why should we bother?:-)