
Responses from dopogue

I agree that Viridian's choices are great. Good luck, Dave 
Help setting up JMW tone arm
It's a unipivot arm. They all act like this. If it continues wobbling when you play a record, there's a problem. Otherwise, just enjoy it. Good luck, Dave. 
Lifting the Ground
"Recommended, surely not by the manufacturer"Well, actually, the 500w subwoofer amp from Hsu Research (Model #500A)comes packed with a cheater plug, with the owner's manual saying that you should use it with the amp if you experience a hum problem... 
Gallo Reference 3.1 vs Zu Druid
IME, the Gallos are definitely not low efficiency speakers, or I doubt that I could drive them in a large room with 12 WPC SET monoblocks. I do have the Gallo sub amps on the second voice coils to handle the 20-40 Hz range. 
Gallo Reference 3.1 in a large room?
My pair, the original 3.0 model, is in an 18 x 40' room with a large "L" off one of the 40' sides . The speakers are about 6' out from one of the 18' walls and positioned 8' apart with woofers pointed out (currently). Our rooms differ a lot. Mine ... 
Any alternative to 6GK5 tube?
Search on Ebay for 6GK5 and pick up some of the Japanese Hitachis for peanuts. When I had a CJ Premier 14 I preferred them BY FAR to anything else I had used -- from GEs to Mullards. Good luck, Dave 
Audioprism CD Blacklight mat?
I got $5 for mine. In good conscience, I couldn't ask more. Dave 
If the 16LS2 has the teflon caps that are in the 17LS2, you may be better off with the 16. If not, I'll bet the 17LS2 outperforms it. Mine (17LS2) sounded at least as good in my system as a new CT5 and MUCH better than a CT6. However, I'm pretty s... 
CJ sound
"Laid back, very dark sound." May have been the partnering components or cables (not Cardas by any chance?). I've had a lot of preamps to compare in my system, from my DIY friends and others, and the 17LS2 just doesn't sound like that. Sparkle apl... 
CJ sound
There's significant difference between the 17LS (MSRP, $4500) and the 17LS2 (MSRP, $6000) due mostly to the teflon capacitors in the latter, and a TON of difference between the Premier 14 that I formerly owned and the 17LS2. I don't find it either... 
SACD and an audiophile question
I heard that Boston SACD last week on a friend's really fine-sounding system. Pretty dreadful recording. That said, many SACDs -- rock or otherwise -- show little improvement over comparable CDs (and especialliy, LPs). But some are truly excellent... 
PS Audio P300 logo light bulb
I was glad when mine went out. But that's me :-) 
Invert Polarity in Digital Domain
I was afraid George would find this thread. 
What well known MC cartridges can use a MM pre??
Oops. Forgot about the 47Khohm issue. And I didn't know the M3A had so little phono gain. Trust Ngarch here. 
What well known MC cartridges can use a MM pre??
Without knowing the gain of your phono stage, you can probably use any MC cartridge whose output is 1.00 mV or higher. That's the only specification you need to know, as far as phono pre-amp compatibility is concerned. Good luck, Dave