
Responses from dopogue

Bent cantilever on Dynavector 10x5 Screwed?
I had exactly the same reaction when I tried a new Denon DL-103 and an inexpensive used Denon step-up transformer I found on Ebay (total cost including the cart, $260). My Dyna 10x5 went on Audiogon the next week. I was never really happy with the... 
Seeking Information Re: JBE III DD Tutntable
No offense, but that's pretty funny. Good luck, Dave 
Used carts for trial MM/ one?
Do you have the tool with which to remove the stylus assembly from the cartridge body? I've got an old MCZ stylus (and the tool) if you'd like to try them. in your Grado body. I just can't believe there's anything wrong with the cart body assuming... 
Used carts for trial MM/ one?
That's the weirdest thing I ever heard of. Is the diamond still in place on the cantilever? 
Have You Heard About Daedalus Music?
Correct. You turn right, off 32, at Broken Land Parkway :-) 
Have You Heard About Daedalus Music?
Almost right. You were on Route 32. Dave 
Have You Heard About Daedalus Music?
Come on, you can't see it from I-95. How did you REALLY hear about it? Betcha saw an ad in the Washington Post, or got a catalog, right?I get there every couple of months at the very least. Usually exit with at least 10 CDs. 
Used carts for trial MM/ one?
I give up. How did the XTC stylus get "locked up?"(I.e., what are you talking about?) 
What material is based below a down firing sub?
I agree with Frnlamb in the sense that I tried various stuff -- slate, tile, glass, pavers -- under the subs (used with my former speakers), as well as various spiking arrangements and frankly couldn't tell the difference. Ended up firing directly... 
Tonearm Rewiring
A hearty second for Brit Audio. Not only reasonable, but FAST. 
Audioprism CD Blacklight mat?
No, Richard, I sold the damn thing to someone in the Far East who gave me a U.S. mailing address. Really wanted it, no matter how hard I tried to talk him out of it. That's why I'm fairly guilt-free :-) 
Audioprism CD Blacklight mat?
Sold my Blacklight for $5 and regretted screwing the buyer. 'Nuff said? Dave 
Has anyone removed tarnish from Gallo tweeter?
Just checked the (growing) blotches on mine. They don't look a thing like fingerprints. The tweeters will be uniformly brown before long, just like the color of my Due's. Dave 
Speaker Cable-The Best of the Cheap?
Myraj, this stuff is altogether TOO easy to see. I finally covered mine neatly in black Techflex and damned if it doesn't look exactly like REAL cable (sounds like it, too). Dave 
Speaker Cable-The Best of the Cheap?
The Home Depot wire mentioned above and praised in a review in The Abolute Sound is sold as 14 ga (not 12 ga) outdoor extension cord.. It's orange with a black stripe. I started using it more than a year ago and have been extremely pleased with it...