
Responses from dopogue

Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
Zaikesman, I can detect no difference in the sound whether I sit or stand. The speakers are about 8' from my listening position. I've heard of this complaint, but never experienced any problem. By comparison, a friend has a pair of Sonus Faber Gra... 
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
I tried the direct aaudioimports link before with no response to my query. I'll give it another try. Thanks. Can't figure out why these are not more widely available. Dave 
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
Tried the link to aaudio imports without success. Nothing there but a cable company ??? 
Gallo REfF3's-All their cracked up to be?
I moved to Gallo Ref 3s from the earlier 4-ball Gallo Ultimates. The Ref 3s are a MAJOR improvement over the Ultimates, which I liked a lot. Granted, Gallo customer support has been nothing to write home about, though no problem ever arose with th... 
Replacement Fuse's - What are my options ????
Where, in the U.S., can you actually buy these things? The Isoclean importer/distributor says you can buy them direct but gives no clue as to how. There's gotta be an easy way. Thanks in advance, Dave 
Tube Test Results
Depends totally on the particular tube type and the component in which it's used. I have some Telefunken 12AX7s that have been in regular use in my phonostage for over 10 years, and they were used tubes in the first place. Mullard EL-34s also seem... 
Is Direct Drive Really Better?
Upon mature reflection, I have to say that my last post is about as relevant as Raul's numbers :-) 
Is Direct Drive Really Better?
Just a thought. How many YEARS passed before it was recognized that one side of Miles' "Kind of Blue" was recorded and released off-speed? When the second side, recorded at the right speed, was available for comparison all the time? So much for ou... 
Do you know of small speakers that sound ''BIG'' ?
ProAc Response 2s. They sounded "bigger" than the Magnepan III speakers they replaced in my system (this was in my pre-Gallo time). Dave 
another lp source to add to the stable
Thanks. Interesting site. 
Is Direct Drive Really Better?
David12, if I read your post correctly, you seem to be saying that the Garrards are direct-drive (DD) turntables. They're idler drives. 
Mapleshade Speaker Cables
Can't imagine why they would sound "muted" -- extraordinary clarity was a hallmark of these wires when I was using them. In fact, they made the biwired Kimber 8TCs they replaced sound very dull by comparison. Must be a system/synergy issue all rig... 
speaker cable static sound
Have you swapped the speaker cables (left to right) to see if the noise moves? If it does, it may be the cables. If not, it's something else. 
Cable comparison
That's a pretty safe guess. 
cable burn in process
I'm surprised that we haven't heard from all those folks who think that cable break-in is a figment of our imaginations. It isn't, of course, and I've also heard the gets-worse-before-it-gets-better phenomenon.