
Responses from dopogue

Very short speaker cable length recommended?
JI35 reminded me of when I first contemplated changing from biwired Kimber 8TC to Mapleshade Double Helix. Frankly, I assumed I'd biwire with the new stuff. Pierre wouldn't sell it to me, said to try it single-wired (with his ribbon jumpers) and s... 
Very short speaker cable length recommended?
After reading Pierre Sprey's (Mapleshade) views on the subject -- he thinks 8 feet is the minimum you should use -- I made a short cable pair to try. Using the same cable formulation as my regular 8-footer, it was just long enough (approx. 28") to... 
Alternative air pumps for ET2
I wouldn't worry about screwing up the arm itself, Alun. I think the problem with the Wisa was too little pressure rather than too much, but it was a long time ago :-) 
Alternative air pumps for ET2
The guy who bought my extremely cranky and unreliable ET-2 back in the mid-90s ascribed its difficulties to the Wisa pump that had come with it (purchased used by me). Said this happened all the time and that he bought them cheap and discarded the... 
Is Direct Drive Really Better?
Actually, idler-drive rules. There's a reason why the Audiogon thread, "Building high end 'tables cheap at Home Despot (sic)" has over 3,100 posts and grows daily. Go all the way to the end of it and read the most recent post by Johnnantais. This ... 
VPI Scoutmaster - Anti-skate again..
My JMW 10.5 with a Decca Super Gold Mk VII on it traverses the first 3 of those fabled torture tracks without a murmur of distress, with VTF at 1.8g. And the Deccas are notorious mistrackers. The arm is standard, with only the wire twist to provid... 
Kimber PBJ vs DNM Reson interconnects
The DNM should blow away the PBJ. I've owned both (still have the DNM) and don't think they're in the same league. 
Cables, Cables
I switched to Home Depot 14 ga outdoor extension cord (HD-14) after reading a glowing review in The Absolute Sound that pitted this stuff against 500-buck wires. It's still in my system 18 months later. Replaced Omega Mikro which replaced Maplesha... 
Subwoofer Speake Cable - Important??
I think your logic is perfectly sound. You might test it by borrowing a "better" cable, but if you're really objective about the comparison (or have someone switch cables without telling you which is which), I'll bet you can't tell any difference.... 
termination of power cables
Yes, pretty simple and straightforward. If I can do it, at 76, anyone can. Good luck, Dave 
Audio Grade fuses
Not much point in having a 15 amp fuse on a 15 amp line, is there? Hard to tell what the Myryad amp fuse really is from your description. 
Decca Jubilee / Dynavector XV-1s / ZYX / Allaerts
The only one of these carts with which I'm personally familiar is the Decca Super Gold Mk VII. Best cart I've ever heard in my system (re-plinthed Lenco L75 TT, JMW 10.5 arm, custom tubed phonostage based on Moscode SuperIt, CJ Prem. 17LS2 linesta... 
static buildup
Theo has the only idea that has really worked for me, although anything you can do to raise the humidity near your system is worth trying too. Good luck. 
Need advice trying to record LPs to PC
Another standalone option: Tascam CD-RW 700 or 750. Makes fabulous-sounding LP copies. 
CD-R burnout
Not exactly an old wive's tale, but far from the truth. Many of mine are more than 5 years old and I've never had one go bad. But I do treat them with respect. Some CDRs are promoted as "archival" discs with hundred-year lifespans. In any event, I...