
Responses from dopogue

DIY Interconnects review
I just want to put down a marker so I can find this fascinating thread again :-) 
Gallo 5LS prototype towers at the CES
I don't think they were there. None of the show reports covered them, AFAIK. As a Gallo Ref 3 owner, I'm interested myself. 
HiFi-Tuning German fuses opinion
Zargon makes good sense. I should have mentioned that in my post, since cleaning up th existing fuse ends got me halfway there and, in fact, suggested that trying a couple of the HiFi Tuning fuses was worth the cost and effort. 
mm or mc cart
To find out for yourself, I'd recommend trying a Denon DL-103 (available for under $200) to see how an MC sounds in your system. You'll need a phonostage or step-up transformer capable of handling a low-output cartridge. God luck, Dave 
HiFi-Tuning German fuses opinion
Yes, they work, althogh I think they'e overpriced. I bought two for my SET monoblocks and the improvement was so obvious that I bought 3 more for my linestage (uses 2) and phonostage. New clarity and openness were the most aparent benefits. 
Record Cleaners / RCMs
Once the velvet lips are moistened, do you still have this problem? If I don't use the little bristle brush on the lips when they are dry, I sometimes see a line of dust when I flip the record over to do the second side. But once the second side i... 
Tube pre-amps $3500 under to add "warmth"
Re the Conrad-Johnsons, if you can find a used Premier 17LS2, for around $3K or so, grab it. This thing is supremely musical with your "touch of warmth" to boot. Note I'm talking about the 17LS2, not the 17LS. the "2" sold for $6K new, the plain v... 
How do YOU pronounce...
I pronounce it "dead in the water."And I have 125 of them, so I'm entitled :-)Dave 
Rudy Van Gelder: Genius or just lucky?
If you Google "Rudy Van Gelder" you'll find a lot of interesting stuff. As far as I know, he's still with us (born 1924). Trivia note: When he recorded classical stuff for Vox he was sometimes billed as Dr. Rudolf Van Gelder -- the "Dr." came from... 
For the vinyl enthusiasts
Washington DC area, Joe's Record Paradise in Rockville, MD. I never leave without WAY too many LPs. Great jazz selection (my primary interest) and very reasonable prices, all things considered. Dave 
Do you Anti-Skate your Super Scoutmaster?
Harry's original anti-skating scheme, via the twist in the output wires, works just fine on my JMW 10.5 arm. He knows there is no need for the add-on, and I have to believe his knowledge of the subject is superior to that of almost all of us. 
Any guidance for buying used tubes?
I know what you mean. The seller seem to assume that you have (or at least know the specifics of) his particular tester and its numerical values, not to mention its quirks and nuances. Also, some tube testers, such as my Eico 667, have multple set... 
Any guidance for buying used tubes?
Trouble is, it's often REAL hard to tell used tubes from new ones, visually, and even harder to believe that the bulk of the ones SOLD as new actually are*. On the other hand, I've bought a lot of used Old Stock Mullards, Telefunkens, and Amperexe... 
Help setting up JMW tone arm
Jameswei is absolutely correct. Dave 
VPI JMW 10 lift
There's a little Allen set screw right above where the arm lift lever is. Find an Allen wrench that fits it, then unscrew it a little, raise the arm lift and tighten it again. You'll have to play with the adjustment to get the arm lift height righ...