
Responses from dopogue

Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.
I'm still trying to put together a CD setup that is as musical and involving as my vinyl. But I'm only 77, so there's still hope :-) 
what causes repeat grooves on records?
Too much anti-skating? Perhaps combined with to little vertical tracking force? These are the first things I'd check, while also making sure that the turntable is level. Good luck, Dave 
Break in period
S7Horton, next time how about printing my whole sentence, not just the part you think you can nail as not factual? 
Break in period
Broken record time. Believe what you like. 
Break in period
No, no, no. I've heard that business about "getting adjusted to the sound," and it's nonsense, at least with respect to the Gallo Ref 3s and now the Raysonic CD player. The Gallo break-in nasties are even referenced in the owner's manual. If you h... 
Break in period
What I can't understand about break-in is why speakers, CD players and other components -- even cables -- can sound great the day you take them out of the box and THEN start sounding like hell for what seem like interminable amounts of time. The w... 
How do you pay? Why?
I'll never charge for PayPal when I'm the seller and I'll never pay it when I'm the buyer, any more than I'd pay a store for the "privilege" of using Visa or MasterCard. Anybody who does change and thinks at least some prospective buyers aren't to... 
Spare change on a speaker cabinet
I had to use paper money on my Gallo Ref 3s because the coins kept rolling off. 
Shuguang 845B vs Shuguang 845M
Jeff, I would guess that having an active preamp (in my case, CJ Premier 17LS2) in the system would indeed make the difference, I've tried eliminating the linestage at various times, always went back to one because the "direct" route sounded too t... 
Shuguang 845B vs Shuguang 845M
That's funny, Jeff. I have the Gallo Ref 3s and much prefer the metal plate "C" 845s to my 845Bs because, among other things, the Bs are a touch too warm :-) 
Shuguang 845B vs Shuguang 845M
Just to further confuse the nomenclature issue, I'm using 845s from Sophia Electric, but they're the 845C, not 845M. I thought the "M" was proprietary to SuperTNT. In any event I like the 845Cs well enough that I recently bought TWO new pairs when... 
Break in period
The reason this preamp takes so long to break in is because of its teflon caps. You wouldn't believe how much better this thing will sound, compared to the way it does now (which probably isn't too bad). But teflon caps take time, and there's no w... 
Ringmat or clamp?
I vote Ringmat, based on experience with my old VPI TNT Mk II. 
Review: Conrad Johnson CT5 Tube preamp
Fo the record, there were three lots of NOS Mullard 6DJ8s (5 tubes per lot) on Ebay that closed last night at between $45 and $105. That's per lot, not per tube. Obviously, the seller should have spaced them out. Obviously, too, I should have purs... 
Review: Conrad Johnson CT5 Tube preamp
Last item first. If yours is the last post, it will say "edit this post" below it, and you can add to or change what you have posted.Re tube prices, mine are marked Mullard /E88CC/6922/Made in Great Britain. They have gold pins. Counterfeits? Beat...