
Responses from dopogue

Subsonic filter wish and a solution
Dan, let me tell you a story. I bought a pair of non-powered Hsu subwoofers a while back and was faced with a choice of crossovers -- their passive one for $50 or an active one that included a subsonic filter, at $349. The Hsu advertising material... 
Subsonic filter wish and a solution
My amps are worth a crap, including the subwoofer amp which fortunately has a subsonic filter built in. EVERY LP exhibits LF issues -- if your amps and speakers go deep enough. There's a lot of LF garbage down there You never heard it? 
Subsonic filter wish and a solution
Yeah, put a cover over the woofers. What you don't see can't hurt, huh? Personally, I wouldn't be without a subsonic filter. Let us know how the Marchand works out. Dave 
JMW9sig mistracking
Sounds like a variation of the famed "Grado dance" or "Grado wobble," although this usualy makes itself known at the lead-in grooves. When I had a Grado on my JMW 10.5, it affected maybe 10 records in my entire collection and I could never get rid... 
Review: Conrad Johnson CT5 Tube preamp
Nothing much to add except to agree to disagree and say that your description of how the CT5 sounds fits my preamp to a T. Oh, and if I ever spend $100 a pop for four 6DJ8/6922s of ANY kind, someone shoot me :-)2/20 addendum: I just checked and th... 
Review: Conrad Johnson CT5 Tube preamp
I stand by mine too. For a little more balance, I should mention that my 17LS2 has a major problem -- it mutes if I touch it or just about anything else in the system, this time of year, and I've gone to extraordinary lengths to minimize the probl... 
Review: Conrad Johnson CT5 Tube preamp
Your characterization of the sound of 6922/6DJ8 tubes is way inconsistent with how they sound in my CJ Premier 17LS2 and, in fact, they certainly don't all sound alike or anything near it, at least in my system. My current favorites are Mullards a... 
Loud Audible Hum/Noise from C/J Tube Amps
I've owned two CJ amps (and 3 of their preamps),. The Premier 12 monoblocks exhibited no hum problems at all, and I frankly don't recall any with the pair of MV75A1 amps I had way back in the 1980s, but I THINK I'd remember.A couple years ago I bo... 
DNM Cables?
Contrarian note. I liked them at first, ultimately cannabalized their Bullet Plugs for use on some Oyaide PA-02. Now THERE'S an overachieving cable (costs less than the DNM to boot). YMMV, as the saying goes. Dave 
Anti-Skating or just let it skate? Your opinion.
Yeah, Pbb, but remember that Roy Gandy doesn't even believe in cleaning records, or in doing anything to his tonearms that would allow you to adjust their VTA (except via washer/spacers). Dave 
Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?
Since when (1) are we all business people and (2 )don't business and politic mix, since they mix all the time in real life? Which is not to say that this thread hasn't gone FAR off track. :-) 
Anti-Skating or just let it skate? Your opinion.
I think the concept of anti-skating makes sense, but in practice I leave the hanging weight contraption off my SME IIIs arm because it sounds better that way. This reinforces Harry Weisfield's (VPI President) contention that conventional anti-skat... 
Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?
A lot more millions DON'T agree with it. And what's with the "you people" nonsense? 
Budget Power Cords For Tube Mono Amps ?
Fishboat, I agree 100% and coincidentally have five of them myself.But your link doesn't work :-( 
Jazz Grammy
The Jazz Grammy awards have never made the slightest sense to me. This year is no different.