
Responses from dopogue

Review: VTL TL 6.5 Tube preamp
I'm blown away. Great review. Dave 
Static on Vinyl
I have two room humidifiers (and one on the furnace) and have tried everything under the sun to reduce or eliminate my static problems. At the moment they're not troublesome, but in dry summer and winter periods the only thing that will really wor... 
Anyone use a platter mat with their VPI?
I sorta agree, but I found that I liked my VPI TNT (early version) much better with a Ringmat and without the supplied clamp. Haven't used a clamp since. 
Tube CD-player question
Raysonic CD 128. Fantastic sounding player, replaced a Sony XA777ES for Redbook CD playback in my system and sounds MUCH better. It uses four 6922 tubes, is built like a battleship, and I couldn't be happier with it. Absolutely gorgeous to boot. T... 
Speaker Cables for SET Amp
I went from thin (Mapleshade and Omega Mikro) to thick (shotgunned Home Depot 14 gauge outdoor extension cord). Cable cost went from $600 to under $20. The HD stuff is still there after amost 2 years, so it must be doing something right. My SET mo... 
Reboot or Die?
The issues with this unit are well known and usually involve, IIRC, the Furore and Mace chips. Even if you can find new ones, they will likely fail too. Do a search over at Audio Asylum in the Hi-Rez Highway Forum. Philips washed its corporate han... 
Reboot or Die?
This particular model is well known for its near 100% failure rate and the fact that Philips refuses to (or is unable to) fix it. The folks who used to modify it can't do anything, because critical parts are unavailable. Sorry, Dave 
Phono stage with gain control?
The EAR 834P comes with and without a gain control. I tried running my own vinyl setup this way, using a Moscode SuperIt with gain control directly into my power amps. Sounded like hell -- limited dynamics, no richness or body -- compared to using... 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
Check out "Images of Metheny" by Jason Vieux. Not by the man himself, but a phenomenal guitarist playing 13 of Metheny's top compositions. Good listening, Dave 
Mapleshade brass tubedampers
Ease of use? You jest. I broke two Teles with these things. Maybe others can comment on their effectiveness. Mine are sitting in a drawer. But then I'm not real sure I'm hearing benefits from any tube dampers (and I've tried a bunch), so keep that... 
Important Interconnect Question
I've heard and read that it's extremely difficult to construct a digital link terminated in an RCA plug (the standard "digital" out) that is actually a 75 ohm cable, although many are advertised as such.My current favorite digital cable (Mapleshad... 
Please suggest serene, restful jazz recordings
Second he Tord Gustavson. Also on ECM, John Taylor's "Rosslyn" and Ralph Towner's "Solo Guitar, "Ana," and "Timeline."Finaly, John Scofield's "Quiet" on Verve. 
Reference level playback
"I feel like Darwin at the monkee trial"Says it all :-) 
Why Are Phono Cables Different?
Narrod, I've heard of phono links assembled like that -- two cables in the same sheath for convenience sake-- but the operative word is "two." By the same token, the cheap pairs of interconnects that come packed with much stereo gear might be cons... 
Reference level playback
The thing that amazes me is that anyone takes the original poster seriously :-)