
Responses from dopogue

Cincy_bob's post reminded me that, as an experiment, a friend of mine installed a pricy Wattgate 381 and a Porter Port in the same double receptacle and neither of us could tell much if any difference. 
I agree about both Furutech and Lee. In fact, recently replaced the Power Ports on a PS Audio P300 with the Furutechs (not a drop-in, but not too difficult) and really like the results. Dave 
ultraverve vs. premier 17LS
I have a Premier 17LS2 and my friend had the $4500 deHavilland linestage (not sure the name/model no.) which he modified (teflon caps) and upgraded substantially. When he heard my CJ in his system, he promptly found one on Audiogon and sold his de... 
Need advice on a headshell wieght for a JMW9 arm?
Mortite doesn't harden for at least a couple of years after which you can simply remove and replace it if you haven't switched to a different cart by then. Frankly, it's never hardened for me. It also allows a great deal more weight precision and ... 
Need advice on a headshell wieght for a JMW9 arm?
My own main arm is a JMW 10.5. I personally prefer to have the counterweight as close to the pivot point as possible and have never experienced any tracking difficulty with that approach. In situations like yours with lightweight carts, I've simpl... 
Sophia Electric's 845M vs. SuperTNT 845M ?
Can't help you with the dissipation ratings, sorry. I've tried various 845s, starting with the cheapest Chinese ones, then the 845Bs from Super TNT and elsewhere, and ultimately the ones from Sophia, These took my amps to a new level of clarity an... 
Sophia Electric's 845M vs. SuperTNT 845M ?
Sophia sells the current production of the older Shuguang 845C, but it's a better tube than the original 845C in my experience. I'm using the Sophia-sourced tubes now and think enough of them to have a back-up pair ready in case disaster strikes :-) 
CD Player: "Love at First Listen" recommendation
Raysonic CD 128. A friend raved about it. I couldn't believe it sounded as good as he said it did. But he was right. Even sounds better to me playing the CD layer of SACDs than my Sony XA777ES did playing the SACD layer. Dave 
Poll - Active vs. Passive preamp
Active preamp. Heard my CD player through a passive, several weeks ago. No thanks (tinny, two-dimensional, no dynamics). 
Conrad Johnson Premier 12 tube monos
I had the 12s for years, liked them a lot, was only seduced away by some SET monoblocks (845 output tubes). The SETSs supposedly produce only 12 wpc but sound more authoritative (in an 18 x 40' room) than the CJs did. Good luck, Dave 
Ground Hum
Okay, you might try removing the ground wires one by one and see if the hum inceases, decreases, or goes away. And reroute the under-turntable ground to the JMW9's main grounding point (between the output jacks). And did you check to see if the sc... 
Ground Hum
Try this. There should be a grounding point on the arm itself. See if there's a screw hole on the support for the arm post. Feel with your finger along the right edge. If there is, install a small screw and attach a ground wire which you will then... 
How to tell if lp is recorded with phase reversed?
Buffyjames, you're talking about what happens when one speaker is connected out of phase. That's not the same thing as polarity switching. 
Review: 128 Raysonic CD Player
I love mine too, but "stock Amperex tubes"? I wish. 
How to tell if lp is recorded with phase reversed?
Of the recordings that are consistently in one polarity or the other (many are in mixed polarity, especially pop and rock records), it's roughly half and half "normal" and "inverted." There were lists of record labels in issues of the defunct "Fi"...