
Responses from dopogue

Mapleshade brass tubedampers
I don't need to make them. I already own them. I just don't use them any more. Lord knows I gave them a good shot. 
When cleaning vinyl - what to use for
Personally I use LAST brushes, 10 for $30. They're white, so you can tell when to discard them. They get the grooves really clean if you use them with good cleaning agents (I like Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solultions -- AIVS). No residues show up on... 
Mapleshade brass tubedampers
As you said, Piedpiper, you're a dealer. 
New CJ preamp w/ remote that have old CJ sound?
Cytocycle, are you talking about tightening the TRANSIT screws? Kinda think that defeats the resonance-damping purpose. Sounds like the 6GK5s in your Premier 14 were seriously microphonic. My Premier 14 had no such issues (I owned it for almost 10... 
Raysonic 168
I think the current MSRP for the 128 is $1850. I can't see the additional money for the 168, given what you say, but it would be nice to see some review comparisons. 
Can two different passive preamp sound the same?
My Raysonic 128 CD player sounded terrible (glary, scrawny, threadbare) through a passive linestage built by a friend of mine. Sounds terrific through my active CJ Premier 17LS2. No idea whether this was the player or the linestage at issue, but h... 
Raysonic 168
I believe the 168 has a volume control enabling you to run it directly into a power amp without an intervening active preamp/linestage. This may not be a good idea, sonically. Saturday I took my Raysonic 128 over to a friend's house to play it thr... 
Can static electricity cause a blown fuse in amp?
In my case, I've tried various ICs to no avail. Problem arrived with the preamp (CJ Prem 17LS2), but nobody else seems to have experienced it, and nothing CJ did was any help. They even brought over a duplicate preamp and it muted here just like m... 
Can static electricity cause a blown fuse in amp?
I've tried grounding anything and everything in the signal path and the preamp STILL mutes when the humidity is low enough and the gods are angry. I can even do this by simply touching a tonearm when playing another source (CD)and, believe me, the... 
Radio Shack MINIMUS 7 crossover upgrade
The original kits were sold by a long-defunct outfit called Soundaids (separate kits for minimum 7 and the larger Minimus 77) Lngbruno has all the basics right. This is really worth doing -- especially for the 77, which produced an amazing amount ... 
Can static electricity cause a blown fuse in amp?
Yes, I think it's likely that the static charge caused the fuse to blow. My preamp is VERY susceptible to static and routinely mutes itself when I touch it or anything attached to it (including the metal frame on my Gallo speakers!). This is highl... 
Senior Audiophiles - Audiophile since the 60-70's?
Lord, I had totally forgotten this thread. At 78, I'm still buying hardware, software, tweaks and cables like there's no tomorrow.Maybe there isn't :-( 
Review: Conrad Johnson CT5 Tube preamp
Up above I noted that a friend had brought over a CT5 and CT6, not yet fully broken in, loaned by his dealer. He subsequently heard them after break-in and bought ... a 17LS2 like mine. I swear this teflon-capped sweetheart is the sleeper of the C... 
Reissue 180 grms vs original issue
Patrickamory, it's clear you haven't heard the Espana reissue, however true (or not) your general comments are. And that was the original poster's question. 
Reissue 180 grms vs original issue
I have the original (but London rather than Decca) and also an excellent Reel-to-Reel tape version of Espana. But a friend owns the Speaker's Corner reissue and it seriously blows the originals away. I'd definitely go with the reissue. Good luck, ...