
Responses from dopogue

Dedicated power and outlets
In my own experience, replacing the Power Ports on a PS Audio P300 with Furutechs* made for a significant sonic improvement, although the main reason I did this was that I'm using Furutech AC and IEC connectors on most of my power cords. Dave* Not... 
Do tube pre-amps need bias adjustments?
I've had 4 tube preamps since the mid '80s and none has provided for bias adjustment. Dave 
Gallo Ref 3's for musician?
A few notes. I see there's a pair here on Audiogon today being sold by a dealer who's asking $1845. Says the original MSRP was $3,000, but when they were introduced they cost $2595 (got mine for $2500 new). All this is just to help you in bargaini... 
Gallo Ref 3's for musician?
Whoa, there, Richard. Remember that the Gallos you first heard and loved at my place were -- and are -- driven by 12 wpc of SET power, in an 18 x 40' room. They LOVE tubes. And they do NOT need high current amps to shine.Not that this has anything... 
Gallo Ref 3's for musician?
The Gallos certainly throw a wide soundstage and do not restrict you to a narrow "sweet seat" location. To me they rank very high from an "overall musicality" standpoint. I've heard them described as height-challenged, but I don't hear that, thoug... 
Phase switch on pre amp use?
I just bought a preamp (Aesthetix Calypso) in large part because it has such a switch and I was tired of switching speaker cables to change the polarity. You won't hear much if any difference unless your speakers are polarity-coherent (many aren't... 
Building high-end 'tables cheap at Home Despot II
There's no way that you can use the inside rim of the Lenco platter. It has vertical extrusions all around. Mine anyway (L75). 
Reversing absolute phase
The Aesthetix Calypso is another that provides this essential (to me) feature. Nice that it's also a great-sounding preamp. 
Reversing absolute phase
You're 100% right, Piedpiper, bad choice of word on my part. Apologies. 
Reversing absolute phase
"Since one polarity is often superior." No it's not. They're identical. The CD or LP can be recorded in either "normal" or "inverted" polarity* and played back in either. It helps if the playback matches the recording, but because most speakers ar... 
What size Audiophile FUSE for my Arcam AVR300 ?
Okay, Google "Arcam AVR300." Go to the mfgr. website. Follow directions to seek "Technical Support." Query them about fuse size and value. How about that? BTW, when I order these fuses from The Cable Company, they never take more than two days to ... 
Can speaker cables be too thick?
Just to confuse things further, I've found that changing power cords and related power-related "components" -- outlet/receptacles, conditioners, IEC/AC connectors, even fuses -- makes more difference in my system than speaker cables do. More than ... 
Installation Instructions??
Stringreen, we must have scared you to death. It's basically a piece of cake, assuming we've imbued you sufficiently with the need to go slowly and carefully. Hell, I can do it in my sleep and I'm 78. Dave 
Installation Instructions??
Another vote for tweezers. I usually mount the cart on the arm LOOSELY, then attach the clips, then tighten the cart screws, checking the cart alignment with your protractor of choice. before the final tightening. All. Very. Carefully.A handy hint... 
What size Audiophile FUSE for my Arcam AVR300 ?
Pull the existing one and read its value?