
Responses from dopogue

the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ?
Yeah, I saw that one at $1200/obo and thought ... "Wouldn't it be fun to play with?" Such awesome sound. Such a pain to use.So I took a cold shower :-) 
6922 Tubes for Raysonic CD128
JAN Philips 6922. They have no audiophile cred at all, but after trying a bunch of others, I like these best. And they're CHEAP. On the other hand, I tried a quartet of them in my CJ Premier 17LS2 and they all went microphonic in a week. 
the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ?
Oregon, the friend who owns the RS-A-1 that I tried for a month came over this afternoon and we discussed this thread. As far as, "Can you describe the sound" is concerned, we're both puzzled and he asked, "Can you describe the taste of chocolate?... 
Raysonic 128 Soundstage
Yeah, my Gallos are more then 6 feet in from the back wall (4 feet from the sides) and moving them there made a MAJOR difference. Experimenting a lot with toe-in also helped. 
Raysonic 128 Soundstage
I agree 100% with Foster_9. Mine replaced a more expensive Sony XA777ES SACD/CD player (for Redbook discs only, obviously) and I haven't once regretted buying it. 
the 47 lab RS-A1 arm, and it's clone ?
The arm is apparently unique -- no clone -- and the $500 days seem long past. Be sure you're up to it; This thing is one of the finest-sounding arms I've ever tried -- had it in my system for over a month -- but also the most maddening. Arm lift s... 
Amp for some new Gallos
Jjmali, excellent point, which I forgot. The more power you can throw at them during break-in, the better. My understanding is that they're close to a true 8 ohm load as the factory specs indicate; my amps would be hard pressed to drive 5 ohms. 
Amp for some new Gallos
With my Ref 3s, I'm using custom-made SET monoblocks with 845 output tubes that effortlessly fill an 18x40' space. Not a specifically viable alternative for you, the only point being that you CAN use low-powered tube amps with these and they sound... 
CD player straight into amps?
There's no benefit in removing the pre with this particular CDP. That was my point. Obviously I use one (Aesthetix Calypso). 
CD player straight into amps?
Garryh, glad for the confirmation. I had brought my Raysonic to an audiophile group meeting to show eveyone just how great this unit is. All I could do was shake my head at how bad it sounded via the passive linestage, and there was no active prea... 
Infinity 2000A??
I wish the info in those links was available when I owned mine :-) 
Infinity 2000A??
Check the RTR electrostatic tweeters (hold your ear real close to each of them in turn). They had a tendency to crap out with no visible indication that there was anything wrong. The woofers are probably due for new surrounds. If in good shape, th... 
CD player straight into amps?
With my Raysonic CD128, my one experience running it into a passive linestage was pretty disconcerting. Sounded thin and threadbare, very much unlike the way the Raysonic should sound. 
are any of your friends audiophiles?
I'm extremely fortunate to have many, many friends and acquaintances who are into audio as well as music and would consider themselves audiphiles. How committed? Well, I don't know of more than a couple of them (out of 20-25 or so) who AREN'T into... 
What CD Player can top this
Define "mint."