
Responses from dopogue

Record Cleaning Machine
I've been a Nitty Gritty fan since the early 80s and retired that first one (still working) with a newer one via Audiogon several years ago. Both are the strictly manual 1.0 models. Definitely a satisfied user, but I don't think you can go wrong w... 
Vinyl Catalog
What great taste in music :-)(Yeah, I've got a lot of those) 
Good turntables w/o record clamps
Hey Headsnappin, on those tables you're obviously forced to use a clamp :-)I suppose the same could be said for those VPIs like my old one where there was a rubber washer around the spindle that effectively raised the center (label) area of the re... 
Good turntables w/o record clamps
I found that tables "requiring" clamps could sound as good or better without them. Nothing to do with convenience or inconvenience. My old VPI TNT Mk. II had a threaded spindle, but sounded a bunch better with a Boston Audio Mat I (and no clamp) t... 
Know who played this Colman Hawkins date?
These two records were originally on the Crown label, I believe. I have both of them. Great stuff and quite well recorded. 
Any new record cleaning products?
I was one of the beta testers for the AI stuff and have used it ever since. I recommend it highly. 
What do you use for isolation?
Yes, all of the above Plus dead balls (Norsorex). I, too, just ordered a set of the Waipuna myrtle block thingies. It never ends. But I hate Vibrapods, which destroyed the top finish of a couple of my components. NEVER use these things without som... 
Air kills cartridges?
I have four cartridges in current use -- ADC, Grace, Pickering, Ortofon -- that are at least 30 years old and sound great. Suspension deterioration is overexaggerated as a issue, IMHO. In a couple cases where there seemed to be a problem (includin... 
VPI SDS connectivity question
One power receptacle. The SDS power cord is removable. 
Should I retip a Shinon red, or replace it? $350
If it were mine, I'd retip it. Soundsmith does an excellent job. 
Why sound is not balanced?
A possibility. It happened to me. Same thing - left channel louder than right. It turned out that my left ear is better than my right one. Turn around and face away from your speakers and see if the right speaker (behind you) becomes the louder on... 
Tube CD Players other than Jolida
i was going to suggest a little budget-stretching too, after seeing a tubed Raysonic CD 128 go for $1,200 here on Audiogon. Great machine. 
Tyler/Salk sensible alternatives to Gallos?
Deliberate1, here's my speaker odyssey over the past three decades, so you can see how I "evolved" to the Reference 3s:* Infinity 2000A (ultimately, stacked pairs)* Magnepan MG IIA* Magnepan MG III* ProAc Response 2* ProAc Response 3* Gallo Nucleu... 
Tyler/Salk sensible alternatives to Gallos?
I dunno, I've never heard speakers I like as well as my Gallos, and I've listened to a lot of speakers, before and since. 
ac cables falling out of IEC inlets on amps
Just a caution: I've used a Blu-Tack "clone" called Fun-Tack and found that it becomes gummy and runny when subjected to even a little heat. I can only assume that the real thing doesn't do this.