
Responses from dopogue

Ever demag a cart this way?
I'd like to hear from the experts, but it sure does look promising. 
Questions about Preamp Tubes
Preamp tubes (as opposed to output tubes in a power amp) are ordinarily long-lived. I can't remember having one go bad in my last three tubed preamps, two of which were by Conrad Johnson. 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Re my disconcerting experience with the last fuse (and they, or mine at least, cost $27, not $39), a couple of points.* I tried it in both directions. No difference. Yeah, Geoff, I have bad ears.* All the other HiFi Tuning fuses I used worked for ... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Here's an up-to-the-minute fuse story that even I can't believe. I'd bought a number of HiFi Tuning fuses and heard real improvements, mostly in terms of openness and dynamics (yes, I did before-and-afters -- it's easy with fuses).So I bought one ... 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
You do that, Dkzzz. They could probably use the laugh. 
fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones
Prove it with statistics? Last I noticed, I wasn't listening to statistics. 
Man Cave or No?
I'm very fortunate to have a whole floor to myself, a walk-out lower level (not basement) arrangement. As a retiree, I spend a lot of time down here, which is fine by my wife, whose interests are in computers and video, not audio.Works for us, rea... 
CBS News does a segment on LPs
I saw it! Nice segment. Anyone know what the cartridge was? 
CD Baby
Great folks. Go for it. 
I've been wondering about this. I have one too but haven't used it since all the negative stuff appeared. Anyone try the thing on a Denon DL-103? 
upgrade from JMW 10 to 10.5 fpr my VPI Aries 1
If you're ending up with a whole new arm, then yes it should be a substantial upgrade. Good luck, Dave 
Burning better CD-Rs from Mac/rec eternal burner
No computer involved. I connect whatever source I'm using (phonostage, CD player, R-R deck, tuner) direct to the Tascam and use the Tascam's analog outputs to monitor the source while recording. Dave 
Burning better CD-Rs from Mac/rec eternal burner
I use a free-standing Tascam CD-RW700 I bought at least four years ago and get outstanding copies. In comparison, my computer copies are laughable. Part of the reason, IMO, is that the Tascam copies are 1x. Slow but sure :-) Good luck, Dave 
upgrade from JMW 10 to 10.5 fpr my VPI Aries 1
It's certainly possible to upgrade in the sense of buying an entirely new arm, just that the 10.5i armtube will not work with the l0.0 base, or so says the VPI website. 
upgrade from JMW 10 to 10.5 fpr my VPI Aries 1
Are you thinking about the 10.5 or the 10.5i? As noted in the VPI site, the 10.5I is a longer arm and its armtube is not compatible with the 10.0 or 10.5 base. At least the base would have to be repositioned. The 10.5 armtube IS compatible with th...