
Responses from dopogue

What should I do?
My God, 90? I thought I was an uber geezer at 79. I heard both the 17LS and 17LS2 in my system and there's almost no comparison-- the 17LS2 is superior in every way, well justifying the $1500 increase in MSRP. Hang in there, you've given me new ho... 
What should I do?
I had a Premier 17LS2 and liked it sonically (sounded much better than my previous Premier 14) but switched to an Aesthetix Calypso. My CJ had severe static electricity problems in my system. If I touched it or anything else metal in the system, t... 
best value - record cleaning machine
How quickly does a Loricraft do its job? Since I use three fluids, I'd have to multiply x3, and am trying to figure out how practical that would be. Thanks, Dave 
best value - record cleaning machine
I agree with LarryI. Bought my first Nitty Gritty in 1982 (they were all manual then) and a NG clone (Audio Advisor) about 4 years ago. I too much prefer the manual operation. 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Regarding loading the DL-103, my experience tells me it needs to be higher than 100 ohms. The matching Denon SUTs load it at 470 ohms (at least my AU-320 does). I now have an Aesthetix Rhea that permits on-the-fly loading changes via the remote (y... 
What is "rich mans" DL-103?
Thanks. That's a new one on me. 
Denon DL-103 -- Was it a mistake?
Just put a Uwe pod (Panzerholz) on my Soundsmith retipped DL-103 last night. This may be the ultimate DL-103; it certainly sounds little like the stock 103. It's on a JMW arm that's something of a "mutt" -- 10.0 base, 10.5 armtube, 12.7 pivot poin... 
Looking for some Art Pepper recommendations
The amazing thing about Art is that he didn't make any bad records. It's safe to buy almost anything he recorded. I have at least 30 and am hard pressed to name a favorite. 
What happened to my EL84 tube?
Folks, you're not seriously suggesting that the OP replace just that one tube. Geez, they're six-year-old output tubes. It's long past time to replace ALL of them. 
What is "rich mans" DL-103?
What's a "Magic Diamond." I must have missed something. Dave 
What is "rich mans" DL-103?
Hxt1 has the right idea. I have Soundsmith's OC (optimized contour) line contact stylus assembly (ruby cantilever) on my DL-103 and it is truly awesome. Costs $350 and worth every penny. Good luck, Dave 
Cartridge shelf life?
Some of my favorite carts are more than 25 years old and sound fine. Yours may take a little while to loosen up (the suspension), but I bet they'll be okay. I've had some luck dabbing the tiniest amount of a product called "Re-Grip" Rubber Cleaner... 
What is the Phono stage you have finished with?
Downunder no tube rush issues here, although I may listen at lower levels than you do. Actually, I didn't mention the Rhea's sonics earlier and want to emphasize that it's the best-sounding phonostage I've heard. But I didn't expect it to be ultra... 
What is the Phono stage you have finished with?
I very much like my Aesthetix Rhea (already owned the matching Calypso linestage). The ultimate-couch potato phonostage, with remote control of load and gain, separately for up to three arms/cartridges, along with multiple balanced and single-ende... 
What amp are you using with your Gallo 3.1's?
No option. I'm assuming something close to 8 ohms but don't really know. I'll have to ask the amp designer sometime.