
Responses from dopogue

Reel to Reel decks
I know that, Myles. So you only have to invest $2000 or $3000 all at once, for music available at maybe $100 total, on CD. Figure it on a cost-per-music-minute some time. Yeah, I know the tapes sound better, but for a newbie starting out, I really... 
If you wanted to impress someone, which track?
Last time I suggested this (and it WILL be the last time), I got "Let's hear the Rachmaninoff 2nd piano concerto." That REALLY slowed things down :-) 
tube damper help
I mainly use O-rings bought at the hardware store for peanuts. Try 'em for a while to make sure they don't melt :-)As with Tvad, I'm not at all sure they do anything much. And yes, I've tried the Herbies versions too. 
Home Depot speaker cable, which one to buy
The speaker cable recommended by Paul Seydor of The Absolute Sound was Home Depot's 14 gauge outdoor extension cord, notable for its orange and black cover --hence the "HD-14" and "Halloween cable" names that got affixed to it. A 50-foot cable cos... 
Reel to Reel decks
Yes, 15 and 30 ips tapes are the ne plus ultra of tapedom. But let's get real, folks, a would-be tape newbie will be totally turned off by the prices of tapes (Handyman, would you believe $500 per Tape Project performance?) and the machines capabl... 
If you wanted to impress someone, which track?
"Jersey Girl" from Holly Cole's "Temptation" CD and "I Heard It Through the Grapevine" by Bill Frisell on his "East/West" album. They never fail. 
Cannonball Adderley's "Somethin Else"... Mono?
My solution was to get the LP in mono and the CD in stereo. The LP sounds a bunch better but the CD has an extra track and lets you experience the gawdawful stereo mix :-) 
Do I really need R2R ?
I would say that you are better off without R2R. I have a modified Otari R2R machine with outboard tape head preamp and I wouldn't be without them. But then I have hundreds of open reel tapes and am willing to put up with the MAJOR inconveniences ... 
How important is ext. adj. for cartridge loading
Peter, I'm happy with my Rhea, but that sure sounds like an attractive phonostage. Dave 
How important is ext. adj. for cartridge loading
Just my thoughts. An Aesthetix Rhea meets my needs almost perfectly. The "almost" is due to absence of a mono switch on both my phonostage and linestage.Essential to me are:* multiple inputs (preferably 3, at least 2)* variable loading* variable g... 
Blue Note reissues
I've bought quite a few of these, including at least a dozen 45 rpm Blue Note reissues from Acoustic Sounds and Music Matters, and NEVER experienced this problem with any of them. A few are not the sonic equals of the original pressings, presumabl... 
Record Clam, yes or no
Yes, I gave up on clamps about 8-10 years ago and never looked back :-) 
Reference 3a mm de capo vs. ProAc Response 2
I should have mentioned that the Ref 3 woofers have dual voice coils which are intended to be driven separately and that I have the Gallo scbswoofer amp on the 2nd voice coils of mine. There are two sets of speaker inputs but the Ref 3s are NOT bi... 
Reference 3a mm de capo vs. ProAc Response 2
Lincnabby, I'm almost as puzzled by this as you are. A good friend designed and built my SET amps (845 output tube, EL34/KT77 driver tube, 6N7/ECC31 input tube, solid state rectification) and swears the output is 12 wpc. They sound very powerful, ... 
Reference 3a mm de capo vs. ProAc Response 2
For the record, Lincnabby, I've run my Gallo Ref 3s for the last 5+ years with 12 wpc SET monoblock amps.