
Responses from dopogue

Why do old tubes sound better than current tubes?
I think the tide is turning a little. The Genelex/Gold Lion reissues (Russian), for instance, are gaining real respect. I've personally replaced "Holy Grail" Mullard xf1 EL34s with Genelex KT77s because the new tubes sound quite a bit better in my... 
Raysonic CD168 connects directly to Power Amp
I have those Amperex A Frames and like the Bugle Boys better, for what THAT'S worth :-)In fact, I liked the poor pitiful JAN Philips 6922s better in the Raysonic than anything else I had tried until the Bugle Boys.Dave 
Raysonic CD168 connects directly to Power Amp
Only you can tell whether the Raysonic sounds better direct or via your SF preamp. It should be pretty easy to tell, if my Raysonic 128 (no volume control) is representative of the breed. Mine sounds distinctly worse used into a passive preamp tha... 
Gallo Nucleus Solo tweeter repair
I hate to say it, but I'm afraid you may be out of luck. These tweeters rarely seem to fail, but when they do, there isn't much to be done about it. Wild chance: Contact Ron Bauman of inSound, maker of Omega Mikro cables. He used to (maybe still d... 
Best tonearm for London Reference Cartridge
When I bought my Decca Super Gold Mk.VII, the distributor/seller (Warren Gregoire) was adamant that these carts needed to be mounted on damped unipivot arms. My VPI JMW 10.5 met this requirement. Very impressive sound, but I could never get rid of... 
Power Cord on Parasound A21
If I were you, I'd revive my curiosity about the Pangea AC-9. I heard none of the effects noted above and when compared with a Cardas Golden PC, the Pangea held its own and then some. This is certainly system-related to some extent, of course, but... 
Problems w/ Nitty Gritty RCM?
Actually, It lasts years and years. I can't remember when I bought the current batch and tend mostly to replace only the first brush (for use with the Enzymatic Formula) rather than 3 at a time. I use a wire brush to remove contaminant from the La... 
Problems w/ Nitty Gritty RCM?
Gradys, as noted,I use the 3-step AIVS products (Enzymatic Formula followed by Super Cleaner Formula followed by Ultra-Pure Water) although I've been experimenting with Aquafina, as recommended by Michael Fremer of Stereophile, instead of the Ultr... 
Anyone Use A CD Recorder For Main Play Back?
My Tascam CD-RW700 is a terrific CD recorder but a mediocre player. 
Problems w/ Nitty Gritty RCM?
I've used Nitty Gritty machines since 1982 and NEVER experienced the issue you described. I've used them on new records and used ones. I now clean them with Last brushes and AIVS fluids (a three step process winding up with a rinse), but even when... 
New Gallo 3.5's
Okay, I should have looked at that old thread, but i'm still a little unclear. We put my friend's left speaker (the one without the Mapleshade base) in exactly the same location where my own left speaker originally sat. We were both then struck by... 
New Gallo 3.5's
Minus3db, I'm still around. Coincidentally, I picked today to move the Gallos around after a group of audiobuddies found that they sounded best from BEHIND the sofa. Trust me, I can't move the (sectional) sofa. So I just got some of those furnitur... 
Reel to Reel decks
First time I knew they were "well known" for that. Too bad tape decks were used for original recordings all those years :-) 
Tips for setting VTF on VPI Classic?
Harry Weisfeld answered this on AA. 
tube damper help
Okay, no kidding. The black o-rings at the hardware store (take a tube along to get the right size) have never melted on me. Ever. But I use them only on small tubes such as 12AX7s and 6922s and should have said not to try them on power output tub...