
Responses from dopogue

Best 845 tube out there?
After approx. 2 weeks, my very positive view of the 845Ts has not changed. There's been no break-in change that I can detect. Note that these tubes replaced metal plate 845Ws in my system. Dave 
Best 845 tube out there?
I received my 845Ts yesterday. First reactions are highly positive despite the fact that the innards look very much like Chinese 845As and Bs. I was using "holy grail" metal plate 845W tubes and prefer the 845Ts, but bear in mind that I've had the... 
Does the Audio Research PH-3 Invert Polarity?
"Since you can correct for the inversion by reversing the speaker cables ..."True enough, but since so many disks/tapes were recorded in inverted polarity, this gets to be a terminal pain in the butt. I did it for over a year, wearing out banana p... 
High End Audio and Your hearing as you get older
I'm 81 and still buying hardware and software like there's no tomorrow (maybe there won't be). Does that answer your question? And no, I can't hear a thing over 10kHz, but it really doesn't matter to me. 
NOS Tubes In My Aesthetix Calypso
Both my Calypso and Rhea have been very quiet throughout the time I've owned them. No tube noise problems at all, that I can detect. 
Best 845 tube out there?
Just ordered a pair myself. I've had those glorious metal plate 845Ws in my SET monoblocks for the last 32 months but nothing lasts forever. 
Sonic R2R Tape Speed Tester available?
Just a thought. If you have any prerecorded tapes that indicate the timing of individual tracks, play them with a timer in hand (any watch with a second hand) and see how close they are to the indicated time -- fast or slow. Then adjust the pitch ... 
Are the Aesthetix Rhea as popular as years back ?
I'm sure still using mine. Haven't seen anything out there that would tempt me to change. 
Gallo 3.1 sounds slow and veiled...why?
Good point about the break-in, Templetech. This is the gruesome period of Gallo ownership. If I hadn't been forewarned about how bad they sound during the first 100 hours or so, I would have given up on mine. But I wouldn't ignore that tube proble... 
Gallo 3.1 sounds slow and veiled...why?
That's what I'm saying. But for the life of me, I can't remember where I heard or read it. Stands to reason, though, given my own experience -- remember, I have a BIG room -- and that of a friend using the same amps on his own Gallos. And the repo... 
Gallo 3.1 sounds slow and veiled...why?
The Gallos are extremely easy to drive, with a benign (8 ohm) impedance curve and virtually no crossovers -- none at all between mids and highs and just a capacitor or two between woofer and mids. 
Gallo 3.1 sounds slow and veiled...why?
Fair enough. Here's where I'm coming from. I was running Gallo Reference Ultimates (the top of the line predecessor speakers) with the same amps and pretty much assumed that the Reference 3s might not have enough power. I then heard from a man who... 
Gallo 3.1 sounds slow and veiled...why?
Mapman, do you own a pair of Gallo Ref 3s? 
Gallo 3.1 sounds slow and veiled...why?
I doubt that it's a power issue. I've been running mine with 12 wpc SET monoblocks for 5 years and they never sounded remotely like that. A friend is using another pair with the same amps. They should sound fast, open, detailed, and very involving... 
Anybody own any direct-to-disc LP's?
Stanwal, I agree, and no one is a bigger open reel fan than I am I (Otari MX5050BII with outboard tubed tapehead preamp). The best tapes are indeed superlative but so are the best LPs.