
Responses from dopogue

Best CD Player HDCD under $1000US
Definitely the Oppo (but note, it's the BDP-83 SE). An absolutely outstanding machine. 
Old Blue Point Special- worth replacing stylus?
Depends how fond you are of the BPS. As former owner I came to find it so wiry and bright that I would have given mine away. But if it sounds good to you in your system, most replacement carts might well sound dull and overly laid back. Good luck. 
Review: JM Labs Diva Utopia Be Speaker
Stunning appearance, underwhelming performance. A friend had these and I was surprised to hear how much they cost. Another friend said, "They have no midrange." Well, of course they reproduce the midrange, but we agreed that something was wrong an... 
YG Acoustics or Dynaudio
I heard the YG Carmels at the Washington DC audio show myself, but not the Magicos. I have the exact same reaction to the Carmels as Larryi and Mapman. VERY interesting speakers. 
Can Interconnects be converted to speaker cables
I've been on both sides of this one. As to the thin wires I can assure you it does not sound terrible. Far from it. Back when Listener magazine was alive I read the late Harvey Rosenberg's treatise on thin solid core cables, using Radio Shack magn... 
Can Interconnects be converted to speaker cables
Morrow Audio cables, at least the early ones (I don't know about current versions), used the same thin solid core wire for both ICs and speaker cables, just a few more strands for the speaker cables. I'm still using them in both roles and like the... 
This is Too Funny Vinyl is Still King
Did you notice that Fremer was identified with "The Absolute Ear"?Like you said, too funny :-) 
Conrad Johnson DA2b
Djlebaron, both the DR-1 and DA2b were trouble-prone but it's been 10+ years since I had them and don't really remember the particulars, just that I kept schlepping them back to C-J. And I gave away lots of CDs that wouldn't play in the transport ... 
VPI bearing oil/grease?
STP Oil Treatment is awfully thick and used to be recommended for tonearm damping because of its high viscosity. I know you said only 2-3 drops, but still ... 
Blue Note reissues
I've bought those cheap ($10-12) Blue Note reissues, said to be Scorpios, and have never encountered any buzzing sounds or other anomalies. In fact, I've been generally pleased with them -- not expecting much to begin with -- and have collected ab... 
Blue Note reissues
I've bought those cheap ($10-12) Blue Note reissues, said to be Scorpios, and have never encountered any buzzing sounds or other anomalies. In fact, I've been generally pleased with them -- not expecting much to begin with -- and have collected ab... 
Conrad Johnson DA2b
Good luck with it. I really came to dislike mine. Good thing that C-J is just across the river from me, because I made the trip often enough. I had the DR-1 transport too. It refused to play roughly 5% of my CDs. Getting that pair -- I bought them... 
VPI bearing oil/grease?
In my experience, with a TNT Mk II, Slick 50 turned to sludge. I don't believe they recommend it any more. Mobil 1 worked best for me. 
The CD player is dead.......
All I could think of when reading the original post was the same kind of argument by people saying (explicitly or implicitly), "Get rid of your LPs while you can. They're obsolete and soon no one will be playing them." 
Reel to Reel decks
Okay, I understand that what I'm hearing is impossible. But the explanations aren't cutting it either. The most dramatic example of what I laid out above is a Gerry Mulligan tape, "Feelin' Good" on the Limelight label, a 3 3/4 ips "mistake" (I did...