
Responses from devilboy

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
George: Forgive me but what I'm about to ask has been mentioned 100 times in this thread but I guess I just want some reassurance. I'm about to purchase a solid state amp with a 51,000 ohm input impedance and a .75V input sensitivity. My dac outpu... 
IMAX Oblivion -my take take on the experience
Ah, it appears my poor spelling was the reason for this sad reminder...Promitheus preamps are spelled with an "i". Blast! 
IMAX Oblivion -my take take on the experience
This movie is a perfect example of horrible execution of a good idea. The only bigger disaster than this movie is the fact that those were two hours of my life I will never get back. I found this thread while looking for comments on a Prometheus p... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
LMFAO Noble100. 
Dac Questions from an Analogue guy :
Steve, I have an October 2009 Mini. I'm currently leaving the Mini via USB. Which of the five outputs do you recommend? 
Breakout DAC for 2013?
Yes, there are a number of nice dacs in your price range and I certainly haven't heard a lot, but my Metrum Octave keeps me quite happy with no desire to change. 
New York Audio Show Review
Theskudra: You didn't play anything to verify your claim. Maybe you didn't have any material handy (organ music was metntioned). I'm not doubting that the speaker is very heavy and probably does sound wonderful on various types of music (I know I ... 
Recommendation Speaker Cable around $1000-$2000
You're going to get a number of suggestions, but I must say that Syngergistic Research made a believer out of me with the actively shielded Tesla Accelerators. I hear equally wonderful things about Hidiamond as well, regarding a holographic, trans... 
New York Audio Show Review
Mrtennis: I heard the Leonardo speaker and it sounded very nice. Visually gorgeous as well. The gentleman said it was flat to 20Hz. Someone asked if he had any music to play to see if we could "verify" his claim. He changed the subject. I'm sure i... 
Anyone going to the NY Audio show today to Sunday
Well said, Adam18. I always thank the guys in the rooms, even if I didn't like what I heard. 
New York Audio Show Review
Chanson: As I said in another post, thanks for reminding me. The Kaiser/LessLoss room was superb, including last year. Also, the the Zellaton room was another stand-out. 
Anyone going to the NY Audio show today to Sunday
Thanks for reminding me guys. The Kaiser/LessLoss room was fantastic. Last year it was on of the best sounds at the show for me as well. Also, the Zellaton/CH Precision room was remarkable playing Sonny's "Way Out West".Well, as for all the "negat... 
New York Audio Show Review
Yes, the Wilson Dagostino room wasn't a favorite for me for a very simple, all too common reason: in a large room, it seems volume needs to be turned up to "wow" people sitting far away and also to overcome the never ending "chatter" going on. I'v... 
Speakers vs. headphones
A good recommendation, Zd542. BTW: I had the Audeze LCD 2/Burson combo for a while. The Audeze retrieved detail unlike any speaker I've ever heard, I couldn't get used to the "head in a vise" feeling though. Also, I need a sensation of having a so... 
Anyone going to the NY Audio show today to Sunday
In short, disappointed. Being an enthusiast, I love to look at components and admire craftsmanship, but sound-wise, not much "wowed" me. 80-85% of what I heard left me saying, "I want to go home and listen to my system". Best sounds, in no particu...