
Responses from devilboy

Bridging EAR 890's
So Knghifi, what is this cable that beat your SRs? Granted, this was in YOUR system with YOUR ears. Everyone has a different opinion on sound...and taste. That's why they make vanilla and chocolate. 
Bridging EAR 890's
Knghifi.......what in the hell are you talking about?!?!? Both quotes you listed were from me...ok. In both I'm saying that EAR is overpriced (ok, in the grand scheme of things, everything is but for the sake of argument...). You then say, "All I ... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Joeinid, so you rally like these fuses huh? I think I'll try it just on your recommendation. I guess the owner's manual will say, but what is the proper fuse for the Job? Also, what am I looking to spend on the Furutech? I'm not familiar with the ... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Since there is no DC protection in the Job, slight DC leakage from a tubed preamp could go through and damage components in the speaker. At least this is how I understood it from Srajan at 6moons. Regarding preamps with the Job, I have experience ... 
Bridging EAR 890's
Well said Elevick. 
Bridging EAR 890's
EAR=Ridiculously overpriced equipment. Same as Music First Audio passive preamps. Sound great, but better can be had for less....much less. 
Bridging EAR 890's
Knghifi, I bought my first EAR product brand new. It was Tim's 834 integrated and it retailed for $3,600 17 years ago. In the past I've spent $490 on an Lightspeed passive preamp and $1,150 on a Will Vincent modified Dynaco ST-70. Throw in a pair ... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Thanks for the info Joeinid. Good to have someone so informative on the Job "team". LOL. 
Downsizing my system from tubes to an integrated
I'm selling my Wyred4Sound integrated soon. It's very transparent, holographic with tremendously deep bass. 
Bridging EAR 890's
I HOPE your getting a good deal on the 890. I think it's a crime how Tim jacked up the prices on his stuff over the years. As a former EAR owner of Tim's cd player, integrateds and stereo amps, I will say that his stuff is very good but ridiculous... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
I'm about to audition a bent TAP-X autoformer passive. I'm sure the Job will sound wonderful with it. I've been listening a lot lately and honestly guys, the more I listen, the more I'm blown away by the transparency, detail, soundstage depth and ... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
I'm not surprised they have so many orders. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
By the way, this is the second time I purchased an LSA from George and the second time I wondered why I even considered anything else. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
I received my LSA last week. It's working WONDERFULLY with my Job 225 amp's 51K Zinput. The 51K concerned me so I put off buying the LSA for a couple months. My only regret is not doing it sooner. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Joeinid, what preamp are you using with the Job?