
Responses from devilboy

Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Thanks for reminding me Joeinid. Well, the Job is fitting in VERY nicely with the rest of the system which now includes the Lightspeed attenuator which FINALLY arrived. The Job along with the LSA is MILES ahead of the Wyred integrated I had and pr... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Joeinid: I originally ran the Job with no preamp, going straight from the dac to the Job and controlling volume in PurMusic. I had an issue (not related the the original hum/buzz of the Job), with PureMusic's volume at low levels so I took the Job... 
Belles reference 150A Vs Belles Reference 150A V2
I had both and frankly never understood what all the hype was about. If I was in your situation, I would sell the Belles amp, preamp, interconnects and power cord and get a Wyred 4 Sound integrated. MUCH more transparent and holographic with a tre... 
Entire system cable recommendation
Dude, your price range is way too high. My advice: Try USED Synergistic Research, or even cheaper, Grover Huffman. Spend the rest on music. 
What time do you wear?
Still have the 1999 Omega Seamaster. 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
I would like to apologize to the community for any confusion as to who the OP was on this thread. It was I, Devilboy, not MichaelSpallone. I contacted Audiogon asking why and how this could have happened and expressing concern as to members being ... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
The Michaelspallone mod is sounding so wonderful on my Tesla T2 SE, so far ahead of the stock MPC it's ridiculous. I'm awaiting arrival of an Element Tungsten SE and can't wait to put the modded MPC on it. I can't believe it's going to get even be... 
upgrade my amp?
The Creek is 120 watts into 8. The Wyred is more than double that at 250 watts into 8. 
upgrade my amp?
I haven't listed my integrated yet but how about a Wyred4Sound STI-500 integrated? 250 watts into 8ohms and 500 into 4. Don't know if you're using a preamp now but if you are that's $ in your pocket if you sell it. The Wyred is exceptional and a j... 
Class D vs Class A
Wow. If you must go digital, there are other class d amps that I would get in a heartbeat before the Nuforce. I'm a former Nuforce owner and couldn't get rid of them fast enough. IMO, the Wyred amps are warmer, more transparent, organic and just p... 
Synergistic Research - NEW Element Cables
Tboooe, look up his username: Michaelspallone, then send him a message. You better be sitting down when you find out how little he charges to bring an MPC to Galileo level. 
Synergistic Research - NEW Element Cables
Hey, if anyone wants to take their Synergistic cables to another level, do yourself a favor and get the Michael Spallone MPC mod. This mod will take the stock crappy MPC to the Galileo's level of performance. Michael uses better parts than what's ... 
Lightspeed attenuator lithium battery pack
By the way, Blue Jeans are $31 for three feet. 
Lightspeed attenuator lithium battery pack
Blue Jeans cables are 12 pf/foot I think. The only ones lower that I've seen were WyWires, but they way out of your listed price range. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Oops, sorry George. It appears I got you confused with Clio09. Thanks to all for responding.