
Responses from devilboy

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
George, I purchased that amp I was thinking about. I tried going amp-direct and controlling volume via PureMusic. The new amp's input impedance is 51K. Due to the amp's .75V sensitivity and 35db gain, most of my listening was 40% or less on PureMu... 
NCore vs. Ice -- single or separate cases
I may sell my Wyred4Sound STI-500 integrated soon, for whoever is interested...... 
Zu Omen Def's, Tekton Pendragon SEAS, or Omega's?
Also, 16 watts is hardly anything. So, I would not only go with an efficient speaker, but something with some surface area, say 10" woofers (maybe two). I used to own a pair of Zu Essence speakers. They had 10" woofers. Granted, my room is 15' wid... 
Zu Omen Def's, Tekton Pendragon SEAS, or Omega's?
Someone earlier recommended you give the Bogdan Art Deco a try. The Bogdan is 88 db. Since you plan on using an amplifier between 12-16 watts, I can assure you, that combination would be a disaster. If you use said amp, and depending on WHAT you l... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
How right you are Nmmusicman. I am using an ExactPower EP15A with the M.S. modified MPC and it is really a match made in heaven. Why anyone would pay for the Galileo MPC is beyond me. For anyone on the fence about doing this, open up the Galileo M... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
Hawkrising,Glad you like the mods. Makes it a no-brainer for anyone considering the "quantum" leap to the Galileo MPC. 
Where does your user name come from?
Lmr? Interesting. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Joeinid: Wow. For you to like the Job as much as you do, in the company of the top notch equipment you have, says a lot. I will give it at least 10 days of burn in before I comment further. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Joeinid: I'm glad your pleased with the Job. I have 6 hours on mine so far. Compared to my current reference, the Wyred integrated, it's not as quiet and the backgrounds aren't as black. Soundstage depth is better on the Wyred. The bass goes deepe... 
solid core interconnect below 500.00pr.-which one
Going by the numbers you listed, an LSA fits nicely between your source and amp. I would still take George's advice and find cables with low capacitance. As a former LSA owner, I don't know the capacitance of cables I used at the time. They were s... 
solid core interconnect below 500.00pr.-which one
I see you're using the Lightspeed preamp. As George has stated in another thread, what you really need are cables with a low capacitance (preferably <100pf), and SHORT cable lengths leaving the LSA going to the amp. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
I received my Job 225 today. As I commented on my virtual systems, build quality is nice but cheap binding posts. It's a touch bright right out of the box, but I can tell the detail and depth are there and will improve (I hope), over time. I will ... 
Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice
Gregfisk: I'm glad the you're finding the Metrum Octave so enjoyable. I think you will see the Octave gets even better over time. I had a very good friend over today who has much better ear than I and we took the Metrum Octave amp-direct straight ... 
Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice
Lewinskih01: So sorry. I haven't read this post in a while. I'm running Pure Music. A friend just told me he likes Audirvana over PM hands down. I went to Audirvana's website and they list Mac 10.6 or later. I have a 10.5. I don't think I will be ... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Thank you both for responding. Clio09: I know you said the sound was fine, but did you have ANY issues with limited dynamics, or felt at any time that you were "borderline" regarding dynamics? As I said, my listening volume is on average fairly lo...