
Responses from devilboy

What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?
Audioengr: I never received instructions for the HiFace2. When I tried to download the owner's manual, every page was blank. Do you know how to do it? 
Cable Costs Relative to System
LOL! Very funny. 
What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?
Audioengr: INSTRUCTIONS?!?!? INSTRUCTIONS?!?!? Are you kidding me? Mach2Music is without a doubt the most user UN-friendly company I've ever dealt with. There were no instructions with my converter. Also, emails take months, yes, MONTHS to get res... 
What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?
Bhobba: I purchased a Metrum Octave a while back and love it. I am running Pure Music in my Mac Mini. I purchased a Mach2Music HiFace 2 USB/spdif converter. While playing music into the HiFace 2, I would here "clicks" and "pops" during playback. I... 
Just starting out
Good news is the input voltage sensitivity of the sim is 490mv, so it only needs about a half of a volt to play at full power. If you get the dac and integrated you are interested in, you should be in good long as you don't change the... 
Just starting out
Although I don't know the output voltage sensitivity of the dac, I think the main issue is the sim's input impedance. 23,700 is waaaaay low. Personally I would avoid it. YMMV. 
Just starting out
Well, first of all, the input impedance of the sim is a VERY low 23,700 ohms. Personally, I wouldn't buy it based on just that spec alone. Even if your dac has a low output impedance, it kind of paints you into a corner acoustically. Meaning, if y... 
Just starting out
Unless the integrated has a passive preamp section, incoming voltage, 2V,3V, etc, shouldn't be a factor since the preamp section usually would be active. You should note, however, the input impedance of the integrated. Incoming and outgoing impeda... 
Budget vacuum tube preamp?
I agree. IMO, amplifer/speaker matching is the most important part of an audio system. 
Just starting out
Passive preamps don't have a gain stage. The only voltage driving the amp will come from the cd player or dac above the preamp. Make sure the input voltage sensitivity of the amp is less than or equal to the output voltage of the cdp or dac or els... 
Budget vacuum tube preamp?
Going with Unsound's questions, please list for us the input impedance and input sensitivity of your amp. If you don't know, tell us what amp you have so we can possibly look it up. Since we're on the subject, what's the output impedance of the co... 
Just starting out
Audioengr: May I ask why you believe a transformer based preamp is better than a resistor based preamp? 
Top 5 Classical recordings
Thanks Newbee. 
Top 5 Classical recordings
11flat6: I YouTubed Ivan Moravec last night and all I can say is wwwooooowww! His playing is so beautiful. I kept clicking video after video....must have been over an hour. I MUST find some recordings. Here in 2012, it's becoming more and more dif... 
Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC
Morganc: Apparently you will soon have three very well regarded dacs in your possession. I'm interested to see what you think...Sibelius Just many hours of burn in did you give the Metrum before selling it?