
Responses from devilboy

Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
So Joe, we obviously love our 225s. Up until this amplifier, the best amps to ever grace my system were the EAR 890 and the Will Vincent rebuild of a Dynaco ST-70. This amp clearly bests both of them. I've read in another forum that you had the EA... 
It was 20 years ago today. . What was your system?
When I graduated high school in '93 I had a Kenwood cd player, pioneer receiver, Advent Baby II speakers and monster cable connecting everything and I felt like the biggest bad ass on the block. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Daldridge76, I believe the AVC-1 Slagleformer is essentially, the DIY version of the TAP-X. I ASSUME they are the same sonics-wise, but who knows? I'd contact either John or Dave and ask. If you look at the pic of my TAP-X it's pretty much the sam... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Daldridge76, you say you're interested in a TAP-X. If I understand correctly, they're available only as a home build. I know John Chapman and Dave Slagle sell the parts but you have to build it yourself. Oh, and you HAD to tell me that Job is rele... 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Well I guess I'll chime in here. First, I've used the Job without a preamp before. I connected the Metrum Octave's outputs directly to it and controlled the volume with my itouch. However, because I run PureMusic, I heard a very audible, very anno... 
Recommend me a warm sounding 5 channel power amp
That's exactly what I thought, Iblieve. Wyred is on the warm side of neutral AND it has the power needed for a theater if that's what one has. 
Recommend me a warm sounding 5 channel power amp
Wyred 4 Sound? 
Blindly deafly? bought Purple Flare cables...
Oh Tim, Tim, Tim. Judyazblues said it perfectly. Naturally the guy in the shop is going to swear you'll ber happy. HE'S TRYING TO SELL A CABLE!!! However, Zd542 says, "don't get sucked into the cable trap". Good cables do make a difference. My adv... 
Merrill VERITAS monoblock amplifiers
Yage, "Stereophile's Recommended Components list" doesn't mean jack s***. I feel sorry for anyone who goes by that. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Deservedly so. Must be the greatest value in audio. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Once again, thanks for keeping everyone informed Joeinid. 
Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?
Well, I've been burning in the Bent for almost two weeks and whatever hint of brightness I heard is now gone. I took it over a friend's house and same thing, not bright AT ALL. Rich, organic sound with a very transparent, holographic soundstage th... 
Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status
Tboooe, you have nothing to worry about. The "7,000 hour" rating you're concerned with reflects EXTREME conditions in the factory that are never really duplicated in the real world. Under the day to day usage of the MPCs, we don't remotely begin t... 
Synergistic Research MPC plugged in 24/7?
Tboooe, you have nothing to worry about. I think the numbers you're concerned with are listed under EXTREME conditions in the factory that are never really duplicated in the real world. 
Does anyone know of a good 3-way bookshelf speaker
Selah looks interesting. I almost bought a pair a couple years ago. Check them out.