
Responses from devilboy

Metrum Octave single ended output
"The only experience I have with single ended out is with my receiver and I find it quite noisy". Key word here is "receiver". 
Compare Between Few Dacs
Bhobba: Thank you very much for the info...much appreciated. 
Compare Between Few Dacs
Bhobba: First, I want to say thank you. It was your comments I read in a post a while ago that led me to the purchase of my Metrum. I love it and actually prefer it to the Weiss Minerva I had at five times the cost. I have a few questions regardin... 
Accuton based speaker list?
Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000
If I may chime in, Crimson is by far the best cable I've had in my system. The Crimson speaker and interconnects have bested my previous Kimber Selects and Nordost Tyrs in every conceivable way. Everything sounds more natural and organic. Many tim... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
By the way George, everything is fine. Thanks. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Thank you George! 
Looking for DAC suggestions
Phaelon got it spot on. If someone bought me a DAC, I would actually be pissed. Your heart is in the right place, but I STRONGLY advise against this. 
heard Melody Gardot?
Ok. I saw Melody last night. It was the third time I had the pleasure of hearing her perform live. However, of the three shows, this was my least favorite. First, she is a beautiful woman and she was covered up all night from head to toe. Somethin... 
heard Melody Gardot?
Will do. Orchestra row W seats 13, 15, 17. 
heard Melody Gardot?
Me too Donjr. I can't believe I haven't listened to her new album yet. I have no time as I've been working a lot lately so some of her concert will be completely new, which is cool. 
Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC
Eugene81: I'm running PureMusic. Is buffer size controlled/changed in iTunes or in PureMusic? I assume PureMusic? 
Metrum Octave versus Eastern Electric DAC
Eugene81: Forgive me if you've already mentioned this, but what USB/spdif converter are you using? I had the Mach2Music HiFace2 but ultimately returned it because I was getting "clicks and pops" during playback. According to the advice of some mem... 
What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?
Almarg: Thanks again but I couldn't find anything. I'm using PurMusic for playback. I went through PureMusic's menus in "preferences" and couldn't find anything about buffer size. I'm not that knowledgeable about computers and software. I don't wa... 
What is the best sounding DAC at $2000-$4000?
Thanks Almarg, but the same thing happened. Nothing but blank pages. I have a Mac. I don't know if that has anything to do with my inability to view the pages. Also, I sent an email to Mach2Music a few months ago. After a couple of months they fin...