
Responses from devilboy

Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE
Agree with Charles1dad. 
Speakers vs. headphones
May I suggest sitting up against the back wall, but bringing your speakers out from the front wall more than 1/3rd into the room? Also, with a fairly wide spread. This way you will have some sense of soundstaging behind the speaker plain. You don'... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Congrats Adam Scott! 
Have cables become somewhat of a snake-oil topic.
Well said Brownsfan. 
Have cables become somewhat of a snake-oil topic.
Bottom line people: If it sounds better, it's not snake oil. 
Wyred 4 Sound STP SE and ST-1000
I've said this before. I believe many people don't give the Wyred amps at least 300 hours before passing judgement. I've been a tube guy my whole life, mostly EAR amps in addition to Kora and Dynaco. I'm currently using a Wyred STI-500 integrated ... 
Entry-level speaker cables
dnm dnm dnm dnm dnm dnm 
Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice
Greg,Congrats on purchasing the Octave. It's probably the greatest value product I've owned through the years. I tried the M2Tech but ultimately returned it. I'm currently using the Audiophilleo 2 with the Metrum. 
WAF -1000000000 Biggest sub in the world.
My god that's friggin insane. 
Novice needs Mac Mini and DAC advice
I'm loving my Metrum Octave. At around $1,150 it's an absolute steal IMO. Beat my Weiss Minerva at 1/5th the cost. 
STI-1000 Overrated or not?
I may have bought my last amp, the Wyred4Sound STI-500. I burned it in with a tuner which put well over 300 hours on it. Very holographic and transparent with a very low noise floor which brings out so many little nuances and inner detail that I'v... 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Lmao Nonoise. 
Should Sound Quality of Computer Audio be improved
Pettyofficer, please tell me you don't have any assault rifles. 
Spectron Musician III MK.2 or Audio Research DS450
I wonder if the naysayers of class D amps have given them sufficient break-in time. I have a Wyred integrated which I DID NOT like at first, then after connecting a tuner and putting over 300 hours on it, it really opened up. The cold, edgy sound ... 
audiophilleo 2
Nkbg: Thanks for the input. I've been living with the AP sans the PP and LOVING it. Two questions: 1) Can I add a PP to a standalone AP2? 2) Is the improvement of adding a PP to an AP2 big?