

Responses from coltrane1

Straight out of the box doesn't work.
People need to understand that any item that ships to them is subject to tremendous odds of not arriving in the condition it was prior to shipping. And if you think receiving audio goods in mint condition is risky try shipping a $10k jazz archtop.... 
Worst Concerts You Have Attended ??
Yanni at the Gorge in eastern Washington. It rained the entire concert, and we had no umbrellas because it’s always warm there. The music however was great! 
Paying with a cashiers check? Need advice!
I joined AG in 1997 when AG first began. I was contacted by an AG agent posting on Usenet, advising a new website for audio sells was available. The website looked a lot different back then. There was a scroll board that refreshed with new sells a... 
Paying with a cashiers check? Need advice!
Years ago, back in 2003, I prepaid $1k for a "good deal" amplifier here on AGON by cashiers check to a AG seller who also sold the same item to 12 other people by cashiers check. AG refused to do anything about it. They said it was a private sell ... 
Tube virgin looking for tube amp under $3k
Dennis Had Inspire. Tons of amps, lot’s of styles, all under $2k. 
New Audiophile going crazy
You’ve got the cold. Many of us here had it, and have now gotten well. Meaning stopped buying gear years ago. What you have is the disease. And it will keep you disabled, continually buying up new gear. Until the day that you don’t. Enjoy the ride.  
Does Age Matter?
No, it’s not age that matters. It’s having a set of ears that matters, for anyone who can hear correctly can hear that analog is far superior to digital. And although I’m 65 age has nothing to do with being able to hear. Who buys streaming audio d... 
Jazz for aficionados
Chick Corea Friends LPChick Corea Mad Hatter LPAny Dexter Gordon! 
Does Anyone Think CD is Better Than Vinyl/Analog?
Anyone who has ears can hear that vinyl is far superior to digital. If you can’t hear the difference, you don’t have audio ears.  
Why is there no love for Prima Luna?
And let’s face the facts here people. Since 1979, before the Reagan administration, Hourly compensation in the US has increased 9.2%, while productivity has increased 74.6%. We’ve produced much more and yet paid less. And where is the outrage of f... 
Why is there no love for Prima Luna?
Observe how many users have to resort to names like VAC, ARC, AYON, LAMM, MAC, etc, etc, in an attempt to prove these products are superior to PL. But here’s a question? Are those products many many times better than PL to justify their price? We’... 
Why is there no love for Prima Luna?
Because people here are biased against Chinese made products. What they don’t know is how great PL products are. I owned a pair of their 70 watt monoblocks, and drove Martin Logan  CLSiiz’s with them for some of the best sound in my room. There wa... 
Most hyped turntable, tonearm, and cartridge?
Don’t sleep on the JVC QLY-55F. I’ve an example that’s in 8/10 condition. Very good performance. Okay maybe not overhyped, and it’s direct drive, but it’s a classic and it’s still running on all original equipment. That’s what a 42 year old turnta... 
$10K Budget for Speakers: Martin Logan Masterpiece vs Tannoy
esputnix, you made the right decision. Don’t listen to the naysayers in this thread. ML’s are special speakers that aren’t for everyone, especially those who prefer box speakers. I’d not trade my Spires for anything. I bought them used ffor $3300,... 
$10K Budget for Speakers: Martin Logan Masterpiece vs Tannoy
Some of these guys are nuts. All this noise about ML listener fatigue is simply white noise. Of course you choose ML’s over overpriced Tannoy’s! If you prefer realistic sound that has no equal choose ML. Always!!!