

Responses from coltrane1

Favorite cable brand.
Whatever is under $300  
What is an audiophile? Are you an audiophile?
If that means, do I enjoy listening to music regularly? Then yes.  
What Makes your System Special?
Well, I own it, meaning it’s paid for. Mostly bought used, saving lots of money. Most expensive were Martin Logan Summits, bought new. But all Class A Plinius, and Threshold gear and a few tube integrated’s. It’s all the audio I need. As Eastwood ... 
How many vinyl albums do you own you listen to?
About 9000. I’ve been collecting since 1973 during a stint in the Navy. The Navy Exchange sold new for $5 a pop back then. During 9 months on Guam we bought a ton of albums. Mostly a 100 70’s RnB and the rest are jazz. We can’t get enough jazz you... 
Do you care about car audio?
Upgrade car audio? Heavens no. Most car systems have gotten pretty good in the past 15-20 years. And I don’t need subwoofers in the trunk because I only listen to jazz. I’m good! 
Anyone else upset about new Audiogon policies?
I’ve been here since the beginning, in 1997. Brother, the one constant in life is...everything changes. We’re simply riding the waves here.  
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!
You’ve too much ego. You’re posting 20 times to every question posted here. Learn to chill.  
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?
I shipped a mono block pair of 120lb amps to Korea from the west coast. So I feel you’ll be okay shipping one.  
Silver cables added resolution
Silver huh. Great.  
is using a tube amp every day bad?
I use a Twin Reverb daily. Answer to your question: NoIn fact, asking this question on a jazz guitar forum would be laughable.  
Do you have ways to ease use of vinyl?
Only 66 and you’re physically challenged? 66 isn’t old, that’s my age. I’ve some health issues but I’m as flexible as ever. Guess I should count my blessings.  
What is the actual percentage of people exclusively listening to vinyl vs digital?
I hate this term “for convenience “. When I hear that all I hear is, you were too LAZY to clean and play a record. What’s your friggin hurry? Vinyl is and has always been superior to digital. Streaming? Fo’get about it! End of story! 
Speakers The single most critical component
Box speakers? Heck no, I’ve listened to electrostatics for 40 years! 
My system....what and how will cabling impact?
I’ve never understood spending crazy $ on cables. What is the maximum one should spend? $100k? More, on cables alone? Once you go down the cable rabbit hole you’ve lost thousands. Save your money and spend the money on your components. This is com... 
Looking for my "last" CD transport
My Sony XA7ES is 23 years old. I bought this $3k new player brand new for $1000 when the local distributor cleared them out as the player was discontinued. The tray is very unique and far superior to a Phillips built tray. The player has performed...