

Responses from coltrane1

Ok now I am frustrated with streaming
I don’t get the obsession with streaming. What, pay some outfit crazy dollars to stream audio rather than using your own media via Vinyl or cd? No, it’s not happening. Is this streaming thing a fad, or do these outfits exist because they’re suppor... 
Shipping. Hard Lesson.
Two things. First acquire your own fedex membership. You can do so for free and ship under your own account. I’ve shipped hundreds of high dollar audio gear, amps and preamps, without a single issue. Having your own fedex account and you save at l... 
Poor value vs snake oil...
It’s not that difficult to figure out how not to be taken advantage of in this hobby. Just don’t spend thousands on cables. Listen to modest tube amps and electrostats. You’re good.  
700.00 speakers new or used
So the consensus is Maggie LRS. I can’t argue with that. A new speaker for less than $700. Unreal 
"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
Everything is best on vinyl. Everything.  
Are the loudness wars fake so record companies can destroy the music?
You’re right about one thing. Music was much better before 1980, or the invention of cds. In fact, when did the cd become competitive? 1995? And still it’s not vinyl. Pity. But on the upside. Vinyl never went out of style for many of us. Thank goo... 
Need preamp recommendation
Save your money. Buy a very affordable  Inspire preamp. Hand wired, made in America. By a preamp and amp genius, Dennis Had. Probably $1400 used. Tubes, is where it’s at.  
Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?
Short answer? They want you to waste your money buying there snake oil.  
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
A good Grado is good enough. Period.  
I think some cables are just a little too expensive.
Cables? Again? The short of it is buy what you can afford and be happy with them. But if I was a gazillionare I’d not spend thousands on cables. What a waste.  
Jazz for aficionados
Kind of blue. Again. When Miles Davis ruled the world. 1958. Oh yeah  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Jazz - Kind of Blue. Again. Yeah, it’s just that good.  
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..
Uh boy. All of these box enclosures. If you love listening to box speakers it’s just another box speaker. I use dipole electrostats. I couldn’t be happier.  
This looks like a terrible investment
He’s sick if he thinks someone is paying $28k for the lot.  
Hopelessly Confused
Need a tube amp for 2 channel. Try an Inspire Firebottle KT88. They’re available used for your target price. The Inspires 12 tube watts is far and away enough to drive your speakers. Keep home video viewing separate, and use your receiver for that...