

Responses from coltrane1

Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ?
"I might be off here, but class A amps don’t drive lower impedance speakers very well either. Most class A amps aren’t stable into 2 ohm loads. Krell being one Of the exceptions."Yes, you're way off. Ever hear of a well known audio company called ... 
Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ?
Hmm, I don’t get it. When I owned a Plinius SA100 mkiii amp the difference from class A listening to A/B was like night and day. The amp of course does both Class A and Class A/B. It’s as if the lights were turned on. I’ve owned lots of Class A fr... 
Are "vintage" DAC's worthwhile, or is this a tech that does not age well
Not a dac, but my former Sony XA7ES CD player built in 1998 stood proud against any currently built CD player. I’m wondering how much of digital is about smoke and mirrors? I regret selling that player which had a proprietary disc drawer which was... 
Warning: China-Hifi-Audio.com
Hmmm. But what about all of your cell phones and computers, and washing machines and refrigerators, all built in China? Are you simply looking the other way and holding your nose while using your cell phone? Seems a bit hypocritical to bash Chines... 
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
CTI Records: Jim Hall with an all star cast, Concierto. George Benson on records Body Talk and Take 5. Ron Carter, the great bassist may as well have been considered as the house bassist because he’s featured on countless CTI recordings. Freddie H... 
What is the average life expectancy of a DAC?
My JVC QL-Y55F turntable is 40 years old and still performs as new. And you’re all questioning if you can get 5 years out of a dac? Thank goodness for turntables.  
Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?
I’ve owned mid priced Nordost, and I currently own Straightwire Virtuoso. I’ve never heard a difference between cables. I’ve only purchased the cable to cover all the bases.  
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
The music. It’s always about the music. Back in the day those cat's created a music unlike any other. They were nothing short of geniuses for the amount of great music they created. Each band, each musician had something different to offer, and th... 
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
I grew up listening to jazz. Learning names like Miles, Trane, Gordon, etc. it rubbed off. As an adult jazz is 90% of what I listen to. Playing trumpet in school, my first influence was Freddie Hubbard’s First Light LP. What a trumpet player. What... 
For all you Vinyl lovers!
I’ve said that often. If you weren’t around in the heyday of 8 tracks being chewed up in your car deck you’ve got a ways to go in this hobby. Vinyl still rules. I’ve had a love affair with vinyl for 50 years. I used to enjoy flipping the records f... 
How loud are you typically listening?
Warning, you don’t have to listen like you’re replicating the old memorex poster. It’s bad for your ears. 65db is loud enough.  
Why would anyone want class AB amp when class A always sounds better ?
The Plinius amps of yesteryear allowed users to utilize an A or A/B button on the front of the amplifier to allow for Class A critical listening. The amp generally sounded its best in Class A, but A/B was very close. I don't know if the current ge... 
If you’re too impatient to flip a record you need to learn to slow down. Delayed gratification is a good thing. Vinyl still rules in 2021. And if you can’t hear it’s superiority you’ve simply got bad ears. Face it.  
The Lifespan of an LP?
Your great grandchildren will be listening to them. You can’t wear out a record.  
Should I sell my Oppo 205?
I’d love someone to comment on how the Oppo does audio. I own a 203 used as a bedroom player that like the OP I’ve only watched a few Dolby Vision discs on it. Now I’m curious if the unit can be used as a CD player and provide decent audio product...