

Responses from coltrane1

Most “disappeared” speakers.
Electrostats combined with a good sub - sublime. OB’s, aka Open Baffles, aka speakers w/o a box design. Combined with 2 subs and a low watt tube amp, very tough to beat for quality sound on a reasonable budget.  
What a sad world we now live in.......
The last time I fell in love with music I’d not previously been exposed to... I was overseas. And even though I didn’t speak the language I still recognized what was a “hit.”yes UBW.. lol 
What a sad world we now live in.......
What’s really “sad” is what passes for a hit song. This is the “Golden Age?” For convenience you mean?Has there been a legitimate hit record since the late 80’s? Am I the only one who hasn’t watched the Grammys in 30 years because the music or art... 
Once going vinyl, never back to digital. Except for convenience listening, as in background music while entertaining guests. Vinyl rules - Still.  
The Future of Audio Amplification
Saying Class D is as good as Class A is like those hyping Digital is a good as Vinyl. Are your ears truly that bad? Does a digital piano sound as good as an acoustic? No. End of story. 
Used Market Savings vs. The Dealer Experience
Been here 21 years. ALWAYS bought used gear. Nothing better than getting high end gear for less than 50 percent, or less, than buying new. Over 300 transactions between here, and elsewhere. Sampled, and flipped, a lot of gear on AG. Before there w... 
price of Oppo players threw the roof
Some of us bought the 203 for $850 delivered. I'd imagine some even paid less for their's. Can't blame Oppo for giving early adopters an incentive. It's my first Oppo product, and I'm only using it for movies. I'm a vinyl guy through and through. 
Is it possible to buy a decent tube amplifier in the $2000-3000 range?
Easy squeezy. Try an Inspire amp by the famed Dennis Had - They're less than $2k. There are tons of tube amps below $3k, primaluna among them. 
Thief Alert
It was 2004, when a seller listed a $2k valued amp for sale for $1k. The seller insisted upon payment via MO or bank check. That seller sold that same amp listing to some 20 or so people here. I was one of them. My local police department worked w... 
When and how did you, if at all, realize vinyl is better?
I've never not had a Turntable. And I've owned digital since the first player released by Sony in 1979. I've always seen digital as a listening convenience. It's like those who listen to a switchable amp like a Plinius with a Class A and Class A/B... 
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
Re the previous post suggesting the Inspire KT88 isn't a true SET amp, and more simply a Pentode amp, here are a few words from the designer Dennis Had, speaking to an Inspire amp owner from the Audio Aficionado forum:"The Inspire single-ended pen... 
Dennis Had Inspire Fire-Bottle SET amp review
Did anyone see the Inspire Fire Bottle KT88 driving a pair of Martin Logan Theos on youtube? It's a small 12x12 room but still impressive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlR9B22kOiM 
Looking to build a system for under $5k
Audiogon was partially born on purchasing used gear. $5k will build quite a system buying used. ML Theos loudspeakersML Depth i subwooferPS Audio NuWave DACDennis Had, former CARY AUDIO, Inspire Firebottle KT88 amp, Inspire LP2 preampMarantz TT1S1... 
Using tube amp with electrostatic speakers.
Long time ML user since 1979. I've owned SL3's, Aries i's, ReQuests, CLS,  Monolith III's, and now Theos. I've been on Audiogon since 1997. There's always been a myth that ML's are "harder to drive." I drove SL3's with a lowly 35 watt Prima Luna. ... 
Preamp... Solid State or Tube
There's too many nice sounding preamps to own anything but a few of them. I've owned a Threshold T3, a Threshold T3i, a BAT VK5i, VK30, VK40, VK20, Forte 4A, Coda 04r, 02, 01p, ARC LS5, just for starters. I preferred the BAT pre's the most, and Th...