

Responses from coltrane1

Best Sound Track Ever Vote for One
Ennio Morricone. - Once Upon A Time In America   Shaft, because I like to break the rules.    
After the thrill is gone
Martin Logan loyalist for life. I’ve owned nearly every ML speakers under the sun. Retired now, Spires and a Deph i, my journey is over. Tube integrated’s, turntables, I’m good. And hat’s off to under $10k systems!  
Jazz for aficionados
There is zero comparison between jazz and classical. They are worlds away from each other. Start a Classical for Afficianado’s thread.    The birth of jazz is rooted in the blues, which was rooted in slavery. That’s not Classical. When you’re imm... 
Analog vs. digital
If you’re not hearing the high fidelity in your system, then something is wrong with your system.   
Recommend me a Class A Integrated Amp (or sound like Class A amp)
Pass and Plinius, tops of the field in Class A.   
Dynaudio - Made in China vs Denmark
You observed that the dealers pair were made in Denmark. So you naturally thought you were purchasing a made in Denmark pair of speakers. It’s not your responsibility to know that Dynaudio had switched their production to China. Dealers should rec... 
Upgrading from Primaluna
Stick with tubes. It’s always a challenge in a small room because you’re forced to put your gear exactly where it shouldn’t be placed. I agree with the consensus suggestions that you should address your room and maximize its possibilities. Is it p... 
Is a separate phono pre really necessary?
Depends on your gear. I had a SS phono stage in a Carver Ultimate receiver that sold for $5k that sounded pretty good! My PS Audio phono pre was a bit better but not that much better. To spend $2k for a separate phono pre I’d say only if your budg... 
Dust cover up or down?
Goes without saying. Off!  
Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8?
I have an R8. I’ve been in audio for 30 years. I’ve never had better sound. I’m driving Martin Logan Spires. I have all the headroom I need. Do I feel the need to sample anything else? Absolutely not. I’m very content. Vinyl is sublime. I have the... 
Can a Amp be "timeless" and compete with todays amps?
Plinius! For sure.   
A CD PLAYER whose sound quality NOT AFFECTED by the DAC?
Sony XA7ES, twenty five year old CD players still in use today! Former Stereophile A player that sold for $3k is still going strong with the greatest sound. And no flimsy Phillips based drive system, but Sony’s proprietary drawer featuring the bes... 
Upgrade path question with $2k to spend
I’d not spend $2k for a phono stage. Heck you can find the PS Audio phono stage used for less than $500, which provides excellent results.    i’d upgrade the Turntable. $2k goes along way on the used market. I just bought a new MMF9.3 for $1800. ... 
I'm trusting FedEx/ UPS less by the day
Great. Another fed up with FedEx article. Yawn.   
Installing dedicated 10 gauge lines
In an empty house we were moving to I had two outlets, of 4 plugs each, installed of 20 amp wire. The room had a common wall with the garage, and the wire went to a breaker box in the garage far wall. So the wire only ran to the ceiling and down a...