

Responses from coltrane1

My PerfectWave dac is working!
No I’ve not tried another cd transport. It’s less than a month old. I should try a different coaxial cable. And if that doesn’t work call PSA.   
My PerfectWave dac is working!
Yes it’s a PS Audio PWD. Thank you for getting back to me. I’ve already rebooted the dac several times. I’ve tried several different inputs. Volume is 100%. I select the coaxial input. I’ve tried rca and xlr out but still no sound.   
Digital is far better than vinyl
In your dreams. This looks like click bait!    
Vinyl - One Word - WOW!!
@marcdds77 you need to upgrade your turntable. Even the MH7.3 is better. I had the 9.3, then moved up the chain to a $3k turntable on the used market. Even $3k isn’t much to spend on a turntable!  
Vinyl - One Word - WOW!!
To all of these people praising how good digital is today, what were you praising in 1980, 1990, 2000, even 2010!? Digitalphiles act like digital has been good forever. And if you’re too lazy to clean a record, don’t even consider yourself an aud... 
Vinyl - One Word - WOW!!
Welcome to decent vinyl. We’ve been singing vinyl’s praises for decades!  
Favourite Guitarists
The greatest jazz guitarist who ever lived. The late great Wes Montgomery.      
Soundstage drastically worsened when I replaced a solid state AV amp with tubes.
Something is amiss. That amp should be able to drive a truck! I’d want to drive it with a preamp.   
patricia barber - diana krall - holly cole
Big Krall fan…,1993 to 2003. Those days are gone. But hey, a decade long career of singing well isn’t a bad thing. I’ve every album of hers during that decade. Sure, she wasn’t as good a singer as Dee Dee Bridgewater or Cassandra Wilson, but she h... 
Pure Class-A Amp under $2000 (USED)
Unfortunately, used $2k Plinius SA100 amps aren’t around any more. I believe people are hanging onto them. 100 watts 8 ohm, I believe 200 watts into 4. And flip the front panel switch to listen in A/B mode.    They would drive anything.   These ... 
Pass Labs Speaker Choices
Martin Logan.   
The revolution has begun!
Time to do house cleaning.
Put it all on Craigslist now. After the 1st of the year many potential buyers will be broke.   
What now?
For $3k you can purchase a pair of Martin Logan Spires used that will blow you away. I’ve seen several sets available for sale recently. But you won’t drive them with a receiver. Great speakers. Nothing near them at that price. Originally $9k new.   
Mid-fi tube vs high-end SS
@lowtubes is a sage! Best advice I’ve read in a long time!