

Responses from coltrane1

My PerfectWave dac is working!
No, it’s not “broken.” It’s simply a gremlin. What the cause is is uncertain.  I don’t have a CD player, only a transport. I’m using the cable that came with the transport., so it’s correct. I’m using rca to connect monoblocks.   
My PerfectWave dac is working!
Unfortunately not locally. But since I’ve no sound with the preamp and phono preamp either, I now feel the problem isn’t the dac, it’s elsewhere. But I haven’t a clue how to track down the source of the problem.  
My PerfectWave dac is working!
I just connected the USB input to the DAC running to my computer. Not a sound.  
My PerfectWave dac is working!
Regrettably, I didn’t get the bridge. I’ll try connecting the usb input, just to cover all bases. It’s connected to my MAC.   
My PerfectWave dac is working!
The source is the CXC transport connected to the DAC by Coaxial connection. I have a verified connection to the DAC.    I know, what are the odds both amps aren’t working. It doesn’t make sense.    I’ve checked and rechecked all cable connection... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
The dac is currently directly connected to the amps via RCA. There’s no sound. I’ve attempted several inputs on the preamp. Same result. PS Audio attempted to assist. Once they understood that there was no sound when connected to the phono pre eit... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
No, I’m not saying the amps and pre aren’t working. But currently I’ve no sound with either the dac directly connected to the amps, or the dac connected to the preamp, or the phono preamp connected to the preamp and monoblocks. It’s a dilemma I kn... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
No, I recently purchased the pre and the monoblocks. Right now I’ve no sound with them with either the dac or the phono pre. So I’m wondering if the problem is with the pre or the monoblocks.    Initially I thought the issue was with the dac. I h... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
There is no hiss, no hum, nothing.   
My PerfectWave dac is working!
From dac to pre via xlr. From pre to monoblocks via rca because the monoblocks are only rca. The CD player is only a transport. I don’t play MP3’s, only redbook cd’s.  The problem is I’ve no sound from dac direct to monoblocks or from pre direct... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
Threshold T3i preamplifier xlr  Primaluna Prologue 6 monoblocks rca PS Audio PerfectWave MKII dac xlr PS Audio Phono preamplifier xlr VPI Prime Turntable Cambridge Audio CXC V2 transport coax Martin Logan Summit X Loudspeakers  
My PerfectWave dac is working!
PS Audio can’t help. I’ve got no sound with the phono preamp connected to the preamp and monoblocks either. I’m at a loss. I don’t have another preamp, or amplifiers, to insert into the system to attempt to see what the problem is. Right now I’ve... 
My PerfectWave dac is working!
The transport worked perfectly with the PSAudio MKII dac prior to attempting to connect separates. It’s a Cambridge Audio CXC V2 transport.   
My PerfectWave dac is working!
I’m calling PSA in a few minutes. It’s the MKII version of the original PWD. It’s not a DSD, unfortunately.  I can’t spend $4k plus for a dac.   
My PerfectWave dac is working!
Yes, the dac worked perfectly before with an integrated tube amp. Now I’m trying to connect separates and it’s not working.