
Discussions budrew has started

Review: Blue Circle Audio CS int Amplifier60330
The British speaker sound: Tannoy, Harbeth, etc...148077
Have you gone hi-rez? Which format and why?534913
Any comments on Alon Lotus Elite speakers?45104
Blue Circle Comparisons40023
New Mcintosh products at CES???37037
Looking for speaker recs to go with Blue Circle28315
Comments on Audio Note CD Players90768
Slight hum from left speaker -- Help appreciated44247
I'd like to learn about volume controls39879
IC Recs for FT Audio LW-1 Passive to Aleph 3026652
Electrocompaniet EMC-1 and Hot Weather26492
Anyone compared the Rega Jupiter and Cary 306/200?32595
Cary 306/100 demo/cheap or 306/200 or 303/200 new?24162
Good CD Player for Headphone System?19542