
Discussions budrew has started

Where to find obscure classical recordings?22184
What gets better as you go up in Audio Note DACs?42402
What to do with an Audio Note P2 SE?125913
Need some help deciding on Living Voice speakers49224
Anyone make an "audiophile" USB-RCA interconnect?42965
Where to go from here? upping the tube ante690116
Review: Audio Note DAC 2.1x Balanced DA converter223169
Anyone compare Mcintosh MC2102 to new Mcintosh SS?56864
Transport Science and Philosophy: VRDS et al36113
Transports for Audio Note DACs?41495
Who designs casework for audio components?344411
Audio Note DAC 3.1x good upgrade for EMC-1?35281
Looking for comments on Living Voice Avatar spkrs45775
Using a good preamp with headphone amp worth it?31172
Using a good preamp with headphone amp worth it?25193