
Responses from buconero117

Thw best sand for ballast dampening is?
Need to check your periodic table of elements, which I am sure you quickly gave away when your last chemistry class was over. 
Recommend good isolation
When thinking 'isolation' more then the 'pad' needs to be addressed. One of the most overlooked issues with isolation is the amount of acoustic engery that is flying around in a typical listening room. So, think of ways to 'acoustical' shield all ... 
Why is the price of new tonearms so high
The engineering,development and marketing cost of the older arms generally was done at a time when product demand was ten to fifteen times greater then today. Current product has a small base of customers that the cost must be recovered on, hence ... 
I moved now Kef sound bad
A complete analysis of the room's acoustic properties would be the place to start. Check the 38% rule. Do acoustic measurements of the room to find where the nodes and standing waves are. Try pink noise measurements. Using the measurements, start ... 
Speaker Recommendations for Soundstage and Imaging
Only ProAc 1sc's will do what you are looking for. With proper stands, sweet they are. Mooneycj's set up comments are right on but I would add treatment of first reflection points in the room are essential. Be sure to use the 38% rule in their pla... 
TT suggestions for a newbie.
Used Denon 47F, 160 cartridge. Buy only if you can pickup or the seller has all the original packing materials. KAB can provide an inexpensive pre. All should cost no more then $700, tops. 
Separating BiWire Cables
Don't, sell them and buy new cables of low gauge size at Home Depot and do your own terminations. Don't buy into hi-end cable nonsense. Hey, $25 of new cable will convert you, forever. 
Can we objectively rate speaker cables?
No, since it was been proven in blind test after blind test people cannot. Remember, those tests always use the same 'chain' of electronic/speaker equipment and the sound level is always dead on. So, much for interaction of equipment. What is anot... 
Music or Lyrics?
Lyrics, if you can hear them, which you can't on most of the recordings that are produced today. Perhaps it is the focus to listen that most people in the iPod age refuse to do. Multi tasking rules, so little real listening ever occurs. The tune n... 
Dedicated phono-pre for MM only?
Yes, if you get the match right. Start with the cartridge end and find out which pre's work best with the pre. 
any thoughts on vinyl to cd recording
Don't, the time spent is better used in just listening. I have a lot of broadcast reel to reel tapes that took vinyl as the source and cut 7.5 ips tapes. The quality of the process was always an issue when these were done, all before the cd came. ... 
Stylus Force Gauge
Shure still gives you the best bang for the buck and is accurate. I have the Shure and an electronic one. The both work well. Save your money for an emergency stylus replacement. 
Are all "Floor Protectors"& TipToes Created Equal?
put them on hockey pucks, low cost, very effective. 
Best intro to tube integrateds?
Cayin, best sound, best value. 
USPS Priority Mail
Always use USPS if you do not mind having your goods damaged. Oh, I know you say that you insure and therefore you are protected. Not true, as USPS claims are never paid. Rip off it is. UPS, not withstanding they a 'rough', has the best claims ser...