
Responses from buconero117

Direct drive/rim drive/idler drive vs. belt drive?
The flaws in the way most vinyl was mastered will far out weight what 'perfection' that you chase in the TT design. Once you arrive at the 'perfection' design, it will be time to move on to a base that is no less than a $10K electron microscope ta... 
New TT Design: The Linos Portable
Sony made a portable unit, still very much in demand on e-Bay. Back to the future? 
Platters: acrylic v. aluminum. What's the dif?
Only Harry can answer this question. As all know, VPI has moved on to aluminum. As with all things high end, it appears to be change for the sake of change. Better said, profit for the sake of profit. I skipped Harry' all acrylic era. Felt the Ari... 
Best Integrated Under $3000
Best to find a dealer that will accommodate 'loans' otherwise you will truly not know what your present system signature will create. 
Are mono tube amps my best choice?
Yes, you will benefit from an upgrade to tubes. Suggest you look at the Cayin VAS line. They have mono blocks. I have two pairs of the VAS units and I have been very happy with each system I use them in. I also have a vintage pair Sound Valves tha... 
Home theater system with ProAc Response 1s?
Start with the sub, which should be the compact Infinity CascadeĀ™ Model Twelve powered subwoofer features a 300-watt amplifier to deliver deep, powerful bass with dramatically reduced distortion for an incredibly lifelike sound. The Cascade Model ... 
Home theater system with ProAc Response 1s?
budget is much to low. A good sub alone will be 800. With a need to match the timbre of the ProAc's, you need $1500 for the speakers. A good receiver/processor is $1200. 
DH Labs Digital Audio RCA ...any good?
Monoprice is the place to go for high quality, reasonable priced cables of any type. 
Same ol question, system recs
Your friend will have little time to enjoy a $4K system with two kids under five. Those are the years when family is everything. A nice $1.5K system should be his target. Better to put the balance of the money in the kid's college funds. 
Will my Dynaco MKII power My Magnepan MGII's?
No, does not have enough current ability. 
Reel tapes recommendations
Two track tapes can be played on a 4 track machine but one of channels will be very weak. Best to use a two track machine to play two track tapes, like Tapeproject, Quinton and broadcast tapes. Machine's like the Technics 15xx have in addition to ... 
Reel to Reel for play back
Otari MX-5050 BII2 is the way to go. The only thing it lacks is a reverse play feature, which is a must for 4 track use. I second the idea of an extra deck, after you have one that is completely overhauled and reconditioned including having the he... 
2-channel with Direct 5.1 sounds great What now?
No surprise that '2 channel' performance has improved with 5.1 Check out Toole's new book 'Sound Reproduction' He provides a good explantion of why you are experiecing better sound. 
What do you look for in a pair of speakers?
Take a look at 'horn' speakers, they play the loudest. As with all speakers, you need to demo them in your room, with your rig. Otherwise, you gamble with your money not to mention the WAF. If s/he knows that they first come into 'he/r' house cond... 
New Aluminum Platter from VPI
Over the past ten year's, VPI's move to acrylic and now aluminum is puzzling. I have heard the acrylic's. The TNT Mark IV's seem to provide the best sound, often better then the Super Platter. The acrylic's that I have heard were terrible. If you ...