
Responses from buconero117

Tripod Speaker Stands?
Sound Anchors, no one does it better. You can design, they will build. 
Need advice on acoustic panels.
Absorption Diffusion confusion reins in many of the comments. You don't tame reflections by using diffusion, you just scatter it around. Mattzack comments that with one side of the room open, reflections disappear on that side. So, his goal is to ... 
The Next CD Player Recommendation
SONY 595. Don't let the low price of $60 on sony style scare you. Try it. If you don't like it they will pick it up free. 
Best cartridge for my analog system arround 500$ ?
Others will hate me for telling you that the Shure 97 makes a great match. Very inexpensive. I have it installed in a Denon 47F, and it sounds great, almost the equal of the Aries/Clearaudio rig that sits next to it. I've played both units into th... 
Do you need a DAC for internet radio only?
If available in your area, check out the HD over the air broadcasts. They put internet radio to shame. 
Yaqin MC-100B or Cayin A-88T - first tube amp
High WAF, simple, integrated amplifier
Your relationship will never workout. If you are an audiophile and given in to her demands at this point, you have no future in audio. If you can accept that, you can continue knowing great audio will never be part of your life. Some great woman a... 
What am I listening to, it can't be Digital?
Best you buy the vinyl release and really 'see' what you are hearing. Better yet, go to one of her concerts and hear the real thing. 
Equalizer or acoustic room treatment or?
First measure the problem with something like http://www.etfacoustic.com/index.html. Then ask RealTraps for an opinion. Provide them pictures and a diagram and see what they recommend. In the mean time check out this other free software http://www... 
Why is the Shelter 501 mono so expensive?
supply and demand 
Budget bookshelf speakers FOR a bookshelf...
Look for a pair of RA Labs center channel speakers, a sealed box design. They work great on a book shelf. They are 7 inches high, 21 inches wide (tweeter/2 mid range). The often come up used for about 250 for the pair. RA was one of Roy Allison's ... 
Which female artist
eva cassidydustypetula 
Should I get a new cart, TT or phono stage?
Keep the 45F. The difference between a 45F and a Rega is not worth the loss of all the automatic features of the 45F, assuming your set up of the 45F is optimal. I would change the phono preamp to get a better match with your cartridge. I have a 4... 
cayin vs. primaluna vs. unison for totem arros
cayin, great sound, to value. 
Best bookshelf speakers under $1,000 for NAD amps?
proac 1sc's