
Responses from buconero117

How to transfer LD to DVD?
Are all these people lawyers? 
Closeouts hi end dvd players univeral players
There is a race to the bottom on DVD players now that blu-ray has won the war. Wait for the holiday season and they will be at half or less of what they are today. 
Opinions on Full-Range/single driver speakers
The driver must be a Tannoy. No one does signle driver better. My first speaker was a 15" single driver Tannoy, don't remember the model number but do remeber the sound which was great. Cabinet was front ported. Tannoy has come a long way from the... 
yaqin or shanling cd player
Neither, look and listen to the cayin. 
Surround speakers
first read 'Sound Reproduction' by Toole, then decide. 
Is 7.1 better than 5.1
first read 'Sound Reproduction' by Toole, then decide. 
Cloning Class A Classics Continued..
Cayin and VAS claims to build clone's of a number of tube classic HK, Marantz and Mac units. From what I understand the design's are in the public domain. It is very hard sonically to tell if it is true as few people will have functional, working ... 
I need a turntable, only have $450 to spare...
a used denon 47f is the way to go 
To Bi-wire or not?
double blind tests prove it is of no value. 
Great-sounding 24/96 stereo recordings
look into some of the blu-ray audion disks 
Recommended new speakers for under $500?
NHT has a good choice under $500 and you can now buy direct from the factory, on line. They have a good return policy so you can decide for yourself after you hook them up to your rig. In home demo is the best way to buy. 
Listening china.. any xindak, shengya experiences?
Yes, the products from China are becoming outstanding values and sound great. Check out the Cayin and VAS lines. These are made in China from 'classic' designs but also you get USA service and support, from Steve.  
VPI Scoutmaster Super Platter
VPI has discontinued the 'super platter' and replaced it with an all alumnium platter which includes the inverted bearing. Don't have full details. VPI needs to give some explanation of why the new platter, weighting less, will be better then the ... 
How any "wall pluggers" are out there?
'Brainless' would be more appropriate. 
What Printed Magazine do you prefer?
none of the one's you mentioned.